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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Spiritual Green Card


Name ____________________
Homeland - Heaven
Nationality of Homeland - Christians
Closest Relative - Father: God
Contact Person - Jesus Christ
Reason for Stay - Ambassador for Christ
Length of Stay - Until Physical Death or
When Jesus Christ Returns for Me

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Building The Ultimate Community


What if you had all the money, power, authority and resources you needed. You also have access to all the people of the world over a vast amount of time. You could start assimilating people from all walks of life, from all nationalities, male and female, who will willingly want to come to you and join your community. Over time you would be able to find for each person the perfect job which would be most beneficial to you and your community but also enjoyable to each person.

With your unlimited resources you would also have a communication system which would allow you to be connected to all people at all times. You could supply all their needs, allowing all people to enjoy a pleasureful existence in peace and harmony with each other and you forever.
You would be able to keep all crime and evil out of your community. No people would have desires to do wrong; they would all develop loving relationships with all other people in your community.

Now I am sure your are thinking something like "How is this possible? People have tried parts of this plan throughout history but have always failed eventually." Well, that is the problem - people have tried. The answer is that people alone can’t accomplish this but God can and will in His heavenly kingdom.

The Ultimate Community

The people of God’s ultimate community have been described as the body of Christ. Jesus is the head of the body while all true believers in Jesus make up the body. Each believer has been given special interests, gifts and talents which will make them of special use as part of the body of Christ. All body parts must work together in perfect harmony for the body to function perfectly. Unfortunately all of God’s people are still full of flaws because they have all lived in a fallen world. The world we now live in is not the perfect, defect-free paradise God originally created and it is not like the new heaven and new earth God has in store for us in the future.

Therefore His flawed people will have to work out all their flaws and grow toward perfection. God will continue to teach and guide us in our present lives and through His millennial kingdom, where Satan and evil will have been removed. When God is through building His ultimate community, at the end of His millennial kingdom, it will function flawlessly forever.

Although God wants all people to come to Him with heartfelt belief in Jesus, He realizes that not all people will accept Him. God has been building His community of believers ever since the beginning of mankind. It may be awhile before He has all the members He desires, but then again He may be ready to close the door of opportunity for believers to come to Him in the very near future. His ways and plans are far beyond our understanding. Therefore we can only imagine and have hope for what God has in store for us.

The Ultimate Plan

From what I have learned, my view of God’s ultimate plan would be: God created a perfect world with a perfect environment optimal for mankind to live, then God created mankind. God loved His entire perfect creation, especially mankind. God wanted mankind to love Him in return so He gave mankind "free will’ to choose whether or not they wanted to love God. For those who choose to love and respect God, God will guide and watch over them until they die. Once they die their soul will remain in the presence of the Lord forever. Eventually, when Jesus returns to the earth, they will once again inhabit the earth, but this time under Jesus’ rule. For one thousand years they will continually grow in the ways of God and learn to get along (love and respect) all other believers. Once all believers have reached their ultimate level of spiritual maturity, at the end of the millennium, God will roll away the old heaven and old earth, and create a new heaven and new earth. It is here that all believers will enjoy residing with God in total everlasting love, joy, peace and harmony.

How prepared for eternal peace and harmony are you now? How prepared will you be when you first go to be with our Lord? Will you even end up in Jesus’ presence when you die? If this is how God expects us to live in the eternal future, will it be a big change for you compared to how you now live, or will you fit in with ease? To me, the more we learn to love and respect God and others, the easier our transition will be from life in this present world to God’s ultimate eternal community.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Reasons To Believe


What evidence do we have that the Bible can be trusted? The seven articles below are just a sample of the many web articles listed in the article "Evidences for Biblical Reliability." If you like what you see here, read "Evidences for Biblical Reliability" for much more information.

www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-t003.html "How do we Know the Bible is True?" (3 pages)

www.gnmagazine.org/issues/gn53/ (in Archives) - Select "Can You Prove the Bible is True?" (5 pages)

www.gnmagazine.org/issues/gn53/ (in Archives) - Select "Has the Bible Been Preserved Accurately?" (3 pages)

http://www.creationevidence.org/ - Under "Main Menu" select "Does God Exist" then scroll down to the lower right column to read "Ten Reasons To Believe The Bible" ( about 2 pages)

www.equip.org/search.php In "Search for:" enter the article #DB011 then press "Submit" to read "M-A-P-S To Guide You Through Biblical Reliability" (2 pages)

www.answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/is-there-really-a-god for "Is There Really A God? How Would You Answer?" (7 pages)

www.gnmagazine.org/booklets/ Select: "Is the Bible True?" - Select chapters from the column on the left. (About 30 pages)

The Ultimate Purpose and Goal Of Man

The Ultimate Purpose and Goal Of Man

Is there an ultimate purpose for your life? Do you believe in heaven and hell? If not and you believe we just die and that is it, then I guess you can just live however you like until you die. But what if there really is a God and a heaven and hell? Where will you spend eternity? So what is really man’s purpose in life?

In Billy Graham’s book "World Aflame" he states that "Only the Bible gives an adequate answer to the question of the purpose of man’s existence. God made man in His own image. This is not a physical image since God is a spirit and has no spiritual body. Man was given God’s social nature with moral and rational faculties. Adam and Eve were created physically and morally perfect. Man was morally perfect with no lust, greed, or hate in the beginning. Man was the crowning act of God’s creation.

"Man was to be God’s closest friend, His partner in cultivation and development of the earth. So man was created with a high and exalted purpose and destiny. God loves man and wants man to love Him back. God did not want man to love Him because he was forced to do so, since that would not be true love. He wanted man’s love and fellowship because man chose to love God. This is why God gave man ‘free will’, so man could choose whether he wanted God’s friendship and fellowship or not. God gave man free will to make his own decisions about right and wrong. Man is a self-conscious and self-determining being, made in the image of his Creator and capable of free moral decisions between good and evil."

From "The Ten Commandments", a booklet put out by the United Church of God, it is stated that "God gave us His ‘Ten Commandments’ to guide us in how to maintain proper relationships with God and our neighbors. Every commandment of God is for our own good. The first four commandments define how to show proper love and respect for our Maker - God. The other six define the essentials for right relationships with each other.

"We have all been made in the image of God, for fellowship with God. This is our purpose: 1) We are to learn to love the Lord our God (with all our heart, all our soul, and with all our mind), and 2) We are to learn to love our neighbors as ourselves. God wants us all to live forever - to attain eternal life. But first we must learn how to get along with each other and love each other. Peace and harmony are impossible without respect and love. If God were to grant us eternal life without teaching us how to love each other, He would be committing us to live forever in confusion and chaos. Without God life is miserable, empty, confused, and frustrated. Without God life has no meaning; but with God at its center there is life, an inner strength and peace, a deep satisfaction, an unfading joy known only to those who know Jesus Christ."

I believe God has a purpose for each and every person, whether it is for you to do one single specific act in your life for someone, or for you to devote your entire life to His ministry. God may even be preparing you for a specific duty in His heavenly kingdom. What if something happens to you before your purpose is accomplished? I believe that God sometimes uses miracles to save, heal, or restore certain people whom He still has a purpose for. God’s Will will be done, one way or another. All we can do is to try to live a Christian life and be prepared to accept God’s Will.

When Adam chose to use his free will to disobey God, God’s punishment for mankind was "separation from God." Our sins and sinful nature keep us separated from God. Ever since the "Fall of Man" (Adam’s sin), man has had to try to reconcile his relationship with God if he wanted to enjoy God’s fellowship.

"So, (discovering God), then establishing, developing, and maintaining that personal relationship with the true and living God is the most important commitment we can ever make. God wants us to become like Him by emulating the thinking, attitudes and outlook toward life exemplified by our perfect example, Jesus Christ.

"The awesome purpose for which we were born is for each of us to become members of God’s family through continual development of righteous character. Our Heavenly Father gave us this lifetime to establish a permanent relationship with Him so we can receive eternal life as His children. We should love, honor and respect Him so much that He alone is the supreme authority and model in our lives."

By using God’s Word, the Bible, as our guide, we are to strive to be good Christian children to our parents, spouses to our mate, parents to our children, and neighbors to others. "Being like God - developing His own character in us - is what our existence is all about. Being like God is our destiny - providing we surrender our lives to Him in obedience to His commandments. Knowledge and understanding of the truth of God are essential for developing the holy, righteous character He desires to create in us. Once we gain an understanding of God’s revelation, He holds us accountable for what we know, and for our words and deeds. We must apply this revealed knowledge in our lives.

Suffering - Why?

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Sometimes we suffer because of the sins, or decisions, of others and not just because of our own sins or decisions. The first man, Adam, was created perfect without any flaws, diseases or disorders. The whole world was perfect without any suffering, pain, deterioration or death, but man’s sin ( his rebellion against God or going against God’s command ) - the first sin or original sin - caused many changes.

Genesis 3:14 describes many changes which were caused by man’s sin: men, women and the entire animal kingdom would now endure pain, suffering, and death. These things too were now to be present upon earth: thorns, thistles, diseases, disorders, decay and deterioration.

Eventually mutations in organisms would have begun causing genetic defects, creating germs, diseases and cancers. Generation after generation some of these problems have been passed down through the genes of organisms including man. Therefore many people get disorders every year from chance encounters with harmful organisms or their own defective genetic makeup.

Even natural disasters, as tornadoes, hurricanes, winds, local floods, lightning, earthquakes, and volcanoes, are indirect results of Adam’s sin. Ever since Adam, man in general has tried to live his own life apart from God. By the time of Noah, humanity had become so corrupt and immoral that God destroyed all life on earth except some animals of the water and the animals saved on the ark. Noah’s flood would have caused major permanent changes in our weather patterns, climates, atmosphere, geological activity, continental positioning and landscape. There were probably no natural disasters before the flood, but ever since the beginning of the world-wide flood, our earth has had natural disasters.

Ever since the fall of man, man’s decisions and actions have caused suffering on themselves and others. Some decisions are intentional, as shooting sprees and drunk driving, while others are strictly accidental, as running a red light or skidding off the road in loose gravel. We live in a sinful world and society. Life itself is a risk. Every time we leave the house, we put our life at risk due to the consequences of decisions we and others make.

So, bad things can happen to good people because of chance encounters with germs and defective genes, because of our destructive lifestyles as drinking, drugs, and crime, or because of accidents caused by bad decisions by man. All of these things are ultimately results of the fall of man and man’s sinful nature.

But why does God allow good Christian people to suffer? Can’t He stop or prevent situations which cause pain, suffering and death? God has the ability to do anything He desires, but His ways are not our ways and His ways are far beyond our understanding. But we do know that He loves us so much that He gives us freedom to make our own decisions. He gave Adam that same freedom. Since man has a sinful nature, he often chooses to use his freedom to sin and to make his own decisions separate from God. God, as a parent, does not want any of His children to suffer, but He knows that we must accept our consequences and the consequences of other’s decisions (even all the consequences of Adam’s decision - his sin).


Before Adam and Eve sinned, they were perfect and therefore God walked amongst them. But once they sinned, being no longer perfect, they could no longer enjoy a perfect relationship with God. Immediately there was spiritual death, separation from God, due to man’s desire to be as God and do things his own way and not obey God’s instructions.

God also declared that the price for sin is death (Romans 6:23). So the first death in God’s creation occurred when God sacrificed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve. He was showing them that sin is serious and deserves death, but instead of having Adam die physically, God made provisions for a substitute. The spilling of blood of a flawless animal served as the most appropriate substitute for man, until the death of a perfect man, Jesus Christ, redeemed man from his sins. The sacrificial animal was God’s way of allowing people back into a relationship with Him. And now, accepting Jesus’s sacrificial death is the way we develop that relationship.

Romans 3:23 states that we are all sinners and are separated from God (spiritually and physically). Therefore since the price for sin is death, we all are dead spiritually and in need of a savior, and we must all eventually die a physical death.

We all fall short of the standards of God’s perfection and therefore we cannot enjoy a personal relationship with God without accepting Jesus as our savior. Jesus’s sacrificial death on the cross paid the price of all the sins of all those who accept Jesus as their savior. Jesus became the sacrificial animal which allows us to enjoy God’s presence in our lives, forever.

Fortunately, when we are reunited with God in the new heaven and new earth, there will no longer be any suffering, tears, sorrow or pain. This is God’s promise to those who truly believe in Him. Therefore if you have doubts as to the existence of God or of the gospel of Jesus Christ, do what you can to learn the truth, be saved, and share in the hope of heaven.

See Web Articles on Suffering in the article "Evidence for Biblical Reliability" on this blog.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Keeps People From Believing?

What Keeps People From Believing In God And The Bible?

By Brooks A. Harris

Often non-Christians see Christians as people who are to be sinless. Therefore Christians are expected to set the example of how a Godly person should live. But since many Christians live a life which is seen as un-Godly, non-Christians see many Christians as hypocrites and untrustworthy. Why would anyone want to be a member of such a group? What non-Christians do not understand is that all people are sinners; no person is sinless (other than Jesus Christ). Remember that the church is a hospital for sinners and not a club for saints. If you took all the sinners out of church, there would be no one left. We should pray and attend church (to worship God and fellowship with other believers) to strengthen our faith and our relationship with our Lord. It is up to Jesus to judge and handle those who are hypocrites to the Christian morals and laws. To be saved and to enter the gates of God’s heavenly kingdom, we must first sincerely believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, then we must try our best to live with Christian morals and obey God’s laws. A true Christian is a changed person with true desires to follow the laws of God. For those who are not willing to make Christ more valuable than the follies of sin and continue to disobey God’s laws and morals, there is strong doubt that they are truly saved. Broad is the way to a life of corruption and eternal damnation, but narrow is the way to righteousness and eternal salvation. Therefore many people will say that they accept Jesus as their savior and will call themselves Christians in order to supposedly secure their place in heaven. This is their "fire insurance" to keep them out of hell when they die. But unless they also accept Jesus as their Lord and turn their life over to Him, they are not truly saved and will not enter God’s heavenly kingdom. So do not let the ignorance and actions of others keep you from being saved.

A non-Christian interested in the Christian concept is often afraid of what their non-Christian peers will think or say about them if they pursue Christianity. They do not want to be seen as a religious freak. But true Christians learn that what is important and fulfilling in their life is to be pleasing to God and not necessarily to their peers.

Although many non-Christians are not truly happy with their lifestyles, they believe that being a Christian will keep them from having fun. They may be afraid that they will have to give up some of their friends, entertainment choices or certain material possessions. They do not understand what Christianity can do for them instead of to them. God gives us the opportunity to change but does not force us to change. When a person truly becomes a Christian, their priorities and what is important to them will change.

If God exists and is all-good, all-powerful, and all knowing, why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? This keeps many people from believing that God really exists. The truth is that God loves us so much that He gives us the freedom to make our own decisions. Unfortunately accidents are results of bad decisions by us or others. Illnesses, birth defects, and natural disasters are all eventual results of the beginning of sin (Adam’s bad decision) and God’s curse of death and destruction of the earth and all of its inhabitants because of sin. Adam’s rebellion against God caused separation from God and the beginning of the deterioration of all living things and their descendants.

God, by His nature, is very good, perfect, sinless and loving, so He does not cause bad things to happen but He allows consequences to happen since man, by his nature, is sinful and rebellious against God. Also being a Christian does not keep us from having difficulties in our lives; these are what test our faith. Our time in this lifetime is very short compared to eternity. Our being accepted into God’s family and God’s plan for us in His eternal heavenly kingdom is what really matters.

The theory of evolution teaches us that "survival of the fittest" is a natural law, therefore man must be strong and in control of his own life. It is difficult for non-Christians to understand the concept of relying on God to be in control of our lives. Non-Christians often see prayer and reliance on someone else as a sign of weakness. They do not understand the guidance, support, power, peace and joy God can and does provide His believers.

Our society was founded and built on a strong Christian foundation - its laws, morals, and doctrines. The accounts recorded in Genesis - the creation, the world-wide flood, and the dispersion of families at the Tower of Babel - were all understood to be true accounts of our origins and history. Over the past 200 years though, the theory of evolution has become a very strong influence in our society. The Biblical foundation of our origins, history, and morals are being uprooted. Even many Christians are compromising the teachings in the Bible with popular secular beliefs. Trust in the Bible is being questioned as the authority of God is being replaced by the authority of man. Therefore many non-Christians are doubting the reliability and truth of the Bible since many Christians no longer believe that the Bible is entirely true. It is difficult for non-Christians to understand the meaning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, when they do not even believe that the teachings in the Bible, as the origin of sin and its consequences, are really reliable.

Most people do not realize how much evidence there is to support the reliability of the Bible. Most Christians do not even realize that many modern evidences strongly support the Genesis account of creation as well as most other scientific and historic accounts throughout the Bible.

Often liberal students and professors in universities will present seemingly credible arguments for the non-existence of God or Jesus. Those who argue that the Bible cannot be trusted, speak largely on the basis of unjustified assumptions, bias, and/or simple ignorance of the facts. For those who are open-minded, the evidence is more than sufficient to establish belief.

Lastly many people believe that Christians are very narrow-minded and arrogant to believe that you must have faith in Jesus to be saved. They believe that there are many ways, through many different religions to get to heaven. Christianity is a very unique religion with evidence for its trustworthiness which stands far above any other religion.

I believe that people need to be shown the overwhelming evidence which supports the reliability and trustworthiness of the Holy Bible. Once they can realize that the Bible can be trusted in what it has to say about earthly things (our origins, science, history, etc.) then they can begin to study its truth in spiritual things (as who God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are, and the existence of heaven and hell).

Man's Early History

By Brooks A. Harris

In this article I will be using modern scientific evidence, secular history and history recorded in Genesis chapters 1-11 in the Holy Bible to explain what I understand to be our true early history. This article will take you from the creation of all things in nature through explanations of the dinosaurs' role in history, cavemen, the ark and effects of Noah's world-wide flood, the Tower of Babel's aftermath, and finally to early civilizations around the world.

Many people who were brought up with traditional secular views of our origins will have trouble accepting many of the views which I will be presenting. Therefore if you want to learn much more about the subjects in this article, see several articles at http://www.answersingenesis.org/ (Select "Get Answers") and read other suggested articles offered throughout this article. Also see the articles "Evidence For Biblical Reliability" and "Creative Views Of Science" at this blog site.
Unique Creation
"In the beginning, God created... ." The Bible does not try to explain the existence of God. To the writer, who was inspired by God to write the record of our beginnings, the eternal existence of God was understood. God had no beginning. He has always existed.

So, in the beginning God created all of nature in six days. Now was this a literal six days or just figurative? Many people believe that the world and universe are billions of years old, but this idea is only a theory based on man’s imagination and evidence which has been interpreted with many assumptions which now contradict modern scientific evidences. Only man’s theories and experiments, based on many unprovable assumptions, suggest an age of billions of years. These theories are quickly being disproved by advanced modern scientific evidences. The ancient past cannot be "proven" scientifically since the conditions of the past cannot be directly observed. Also reliable experiments cannot be performed on items from the ancient past without making many assumptions of the past conditions as: climate, radiation levels, geologic activity and the beginning composition of items being tested.

There is much evidence to show that the "Days of Creation" were literal 24 hour days and that the earth and universe are only a few thousand years old. For example, the Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew. The Hebrew word for "day" is "yom" and although it can mean long periods of time, as our word for day, it always means a 24 hour day when used with the words "evening’ or "morning" or used with a numeral as is done in Genesis and throughout the Bible.

There are several other evidences for a young earth and universe. According to present rates, our moon is far too close to earth, the erosion rate of earth is far too fast, the sodium level and sedimentation in our oceans is far too little, helium in the atmosphere is far too little, and comets, galaxies and earth’s magnetic field degrade far too fast for earth and the universe to be more than a few thousand years old. Even the speed of light has been shown to be slowing down. This helps explain the presence of star light in a young universe from stars millions of light years away. Of course, God could have created the light rays from the stars when He created the stars too. (See http://www.evolution-facts.org/ Select: "3 Vol. Encyclopedia" then "6 The Age of the Earth" - (59 evidences that the earth is only a few thousand years old - about 20 pages) and www.icr.org/article/1842/ for "Evidence For a Young World" (14 natural phenomena evidences that the universe is only a few thousand years old - 5 pages)

We must be very careful not to limit God when trying to interpret His miracles. "With God, all things are possible." Why did God use six days for his creation? He could have created all things in six months, six minutes or even six seconds or less. He created in six days and rested on the seventh day in order to set a pattern for us to remember. God wants us to constantly remember Him and His creation. We are to work six days, but on the seventh day of every week (the Sabbath day) we are to rest and worship God. Throughout the centuries it has been demonstrated that this seven day cycle allows for people to be more productive, allowing for enough rest, than any longer work period tried. Also this seven day cycle (one week) is a memorial to us of God’s creation week. Although the idea of a day, a month, and a year can be observed in nature, the idea of a week is not demonstrated anywhere in nature. God gave us the idea of a week and it has been observed by basically all nations ever since.

In God’s six days of creating, He created areas during the first three days then He put things in those areas on the next three days. On day one, He created a water covered earth and empty space around earth called heaven; and on the forth day he created all the heavenly bodies (the sun, the moon, other planets, and the stars with their galaxies) to fill the space. On day two, He split the water creating sky, or atmosphere, and on day five He created fish and birds to fill the water and the sky. On day three He created dry land and plants then created on day six animals and man to fill the rest of the earth. Man was the last thing He created because man was to be the climax of His creation, the ultimate reason for His creation. He created all things for His glory and for man’s pleasure.

So in the beginning God created paradise on earth. All living things, including man, were created mature and perfect with no defects. Man and all animals were designed to live in peace with one another and therefore be vegetarians and live forever. There was no disease, decay, deterioration, mutations, pain, suffering, struggle for survival, or death of any animals before God’s later curse on the earth. Unlike any other known planet, earth was created just right to meet the strict limits to support all life on it. It had just the right composition and amount of elements for life to exist and thrive. (See http://www.creationevidence.org/ - Under "Main Menu" select "Scientific Evidence for Creation" then "Evidence For Creation - 10 brief reasons" & "Our Created Earth: Uniquely Designed for Life" (1page each)
Pre-Flood Conditions

When God separated the waters on day two of His creation, He created liquid water on the surface of the earth and probably a very thick, dense, transparent, water-vapor layer high above the earth with atmosphere in between. This water vapor layer, which may have been frozen, would have allowed a greenhouse effect keeping a fairly uniform temperature world-wide. This would have allowed constant fair weather with possibly no clouds (separate from the water vapor layer), no storms and possibly even no rain. Moisture from the ground and air would have kept the vegetation watered. On day three of God’s creation, all land emerged possibly as one large continent. All land was probably covered with a thick layer of nutrient-rich topsoil for the abundant tropical vegetation created to support man and all animal life. Remember, man and all animals were to have been plant eaters only, before God’s curse on man and the entire earth. We can only imagine what the plant and animal life must have been like in this early environment.

Today’s modern scientific evidences strongly indicate that the earth is only a few thousand years old and that all creatures originated at about the same time instead of thousands to millions of years apart. There is popular belief in our secular society that over millions of years organisms slowly and progressively evolved from "simple" one-celled organisms into invertebrates, then into fish, then into amphibians, then into reptiles which eventually evolved into mammals and birds. If this were so, we should have found many fossilized and living organisms which are halfway between two separate kinds of organisms, but as of yet there has been no confirmation of any such transitional organisms - dead or alive. Also science shows that all living things, even a single cell, are so complex and so well structured and so well organized that they indicate special, intelligent design of each kind verses the possibility of random, chance, progressive occurrences. (In the article "Creative Views of Science - Origins Lecture" read the chapters on "Origin of Life" and "Origin of The Species" for more information)

Adam and Eve’s sin, their rebellion against God, led to God’s curse on man and God’s entire creation. Due to sin, man immediately suffered spiritual death - separation from God, and all life would begin to deteriorate, suffer and eventually physically die. Most people who lived before the world-wide flood lived to be over 900 years old due to their still nearly defect-free bodies and environment, their perfect nutrient-rich foods, and probably due to the water vapor layer which would have limited the defect-causing solar radiation (and very likely due to increased levels of humidity and barometric pressure levels). Although some recent evidence suggest that some dinosaurs grew quickly then leveled off, some dinosaurs could have reached gigantic sizes if they continue to grow throughout their life like other reptiles and if they also lived several hundred years.

Unlike the concept of early man being very primitive, brutish and ignorant, first men were very intelligent according to Biblical records. Before Eve was made from Adam’s side, Adam was given the responsibility of naming all the cattle, birds of the air, and beasts of the field. What is more important than his ability to quickly name all those animals, is why he was commanded to do this. After reviewing all the different animals Adam would have noticed that all of these animals were paired - male and female. They all had suitable mates. He realized that none were suitable for him and that he needed a suitable female partner to fulfill his needs. So God created Eve to be Adam’s helper, his companion. Man’s high intelligence was also demonstrated with man’s ability to build cities and make musical instruments as the flute and harp, and by their skills of metallurgy, farming and animal husbandry all within seven generations from Adam.

The recent Human Genome Project and studies of mitochondrial DNA support the biblical teaching that there is only one biological race of humans and all people trace back to a single mother living only a few thousand years ago. For all people to be linked to a common human ancestor, that ancestor would have to have all the genes (dominant & recessive) in their DNA that are found in all people who have ever lived. Therefore Adam and Eve were probably mid-brown in color (having all the dominant and recessive genes for coloration) and would have had all the genetic information in their genes to produce all the physical (as racial) characteristics that we see in all people groups today.

All the originally created "kinds" of animals would also have had all the genes (dominant & recessive) in their DNA that are found in all animals of their same kind. Although God created each kind of animal on days 5 & 6 of His creation, gene reshuffling and damage to original genes over time in each kind allowed for tremendous variations within each kind. What we actually see evidence of today is that many different specific kinds (similar to what we might think of as "genuses") of organisms were created at about the same time (not millions of years apart), with the ability to reproduce only within their own kind. In each kind of animal’s DNA, there are strict limits as to what it can breed with to produce offspring. Over tens to hundreds of years, each kind (genus-like) eventually developed many varieties (species-like) within its own kind, due to gene reshuffling and mutations.

If all animals were created at the same time (in literally two days - days 5 & 6 of God’s creation) they would have all lived together. This includes the dinosaurs and man living together. To many people this sounds preposterous, believing that dinosaurs died out long before man was around. But there is much evidence that dinosaurs did live with mankind and that they did not die out millions of years before man lived. Many reports of sightings and encounters with dinosaur-like creatures have been recorded in many cultures throughout the past few centuries. (See www.answersingenesis.org/articles/1999/11/05/dinosaurs-and-the-bible for "Dinosaurs and the Bible" (6 pages) www.apologeticspress.org/articles/3647 "What Happened to the Dinosaurs?" (6 pages) www.apologeticspress.org/articles/15 "Walking Amidst the Dinosaurs" (15 pages) & http://www.rae.org/ the entire book: After The Flood by Bill Cooper, is online and shows Records of Dinosaur/dragon legends) The Bible even mentions dinosaur-like creatures - "behemoth & leviathan" (in Job) and dragons. The King James Bible does not mention the word "dinosaur" because the word "dinosaur" was not invented until 1841 long after the Bible was translated into English in 1611.

After about 1500 years since the creation of Adam and Eve, the population of mankind had grow greatly but man’s rebellion against God had also grown rampant world-wide. God had given man free-will to make his own decisions about how he wanted to live - did he want to live a life with God or without Him. Most people decided to be pagan worshipers, worshiping God’s created things, as astrological bodies and idols and other gods rather than worshiping the Creator Himself. They were living very immoral lives, living to please themselves any way they wanted to. This brought on God’s judgement of a world-wide flood to destroy all living creatures on the face of the earth except for God’s faithful believer: Noah (and his family).
Noah’s Day

God commanded Noah, 120 years before the flood, to build a boat out of gopherwood (possibly cypress or even a now extinct species of tree). God also had Noah warn the people of that time to repent (turn from their evil ways and worship God). Noah was to be responsible for repopulating the earth with all kinds of organisms after the year-long, world-wide flood. All he had to do was to build the huge barge-like ark to God’s given dimensions of 300 cubits (about 450 feet) long, by 50 cubits (about 75 feet) wide, by 30 cubits (about 45 feet) tall, with three decks on the inside. Modern day ship builders have determined that these dimensions make for a perfect seaworthy design. It was also to be waterproofed with pitch on the inside and out. The ark would have had a volume equivalent to that of 522 railroad cars (about 1.52 million cubic feet). Once Noah finished building the ark he was to load representatives (one male and one female) of each original kind of land-dwelling, air-breathing animal. He was also to load seven of each "clean" animal kind - probably for food and later sacrifices.

It would only have been necessary to use about 16,000 individual animals - one pair of each "kind" (genus-like) and not every species-like which had arisen from the original kinds. This is because each original kind of creature had all the genetic information in their DNA to produce all the different species of that kind up to this point. Therefore one pair of each kind of creature (having genes as close as possible to the original kinds) would be able to reproduce, within a few generations, through gene reshuffling and eventual mutations, all or most of the species which died in the flood plus new species. The specific pairs of creatures were probably chosen by God and led onto the ark by God and controlled by God while on the ark. While many may have hibernated or been in a state of stupor, God would have provided a way for Noah and his family to completely care for His creatures. The medium size of all the animals on the ark would have been that of a large mouse, with only about 11% of the animals being much larger than sheep.

As to the matter of dinosaurs on the ark, instead of loading the huge, full-grown, large animals (like some of the dinosaurs - most dinosaurs were no bigger than sheep) God probably chose smaller "teenage" specimens, just old enough to breed after the flood. This way small dinosaurs, as well as other animals, would have begun repopulating earth soon after they exited the ark after the flood had receded.

It is recorded in the Bible that at the beginning of the flood the fountains of the great deep broke open. It makes me wonder how widespread this breaking open was and what caused it. Obviously, God could have caused it in an instant if He desired, but there is a possible cause I am curious about. This is something that could have been caused by God too. It is now believed by many people that there is evidence that there was once a planet located between Mars and Jupiter. The Sumerians were one of the very first civilizations after the flood. They were located in the Mesopotamian region where the Tower of Babel was built. Excavations of ancient Sumerian records showed this extra planet. Now, whether the drawing were made after the flood or stored on the ark before the flood noone knows. Evidence indicates that this planet somehow exploded. Debris would have flown in all directions probably creating the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter as some debris probably stayed in the orbit of the original planet, while other debris may have created comets. Such an explosion would have pelted every existing planet and moon in our solar system. Interestingly, all solid planets and moons in our solar system have many large craters on one side much more that the other. I think that it is possible that this explosion could have occurred at the beginning of the flood. The asteroids could have broken through a water-vapor canopy, frozen or not, and cracked earth’s surface releasing fountains from the deep and creating the tectonic plates and massive earth quakes, tsunami waves and volcanic activity. Such a massive impact could have caused the earth to tilt to its current 23.5 degrees needed now for our seasons to be possible (Seasons would not have been necessary before the flood in a greenhouse environment). Again God could have created the earth to be at the 23.5 degrees tilt to begin with too. This idea of the asteroids hitting earth is only my idea and I know it could change as more evidence is discovered.

It is now known too that vast amounts of water are below the earth’s surface today, so there is no telling how much there was before the flood. So when God caused the earth to crack open with probably several massive earthquakes and volcanoes all around the world, several things would have begun to happen. First, the water would have been released onto the land and into the oceans. As the water emptied from the underground reservoirs and covered the land, the land probably began to sink from the added weight of the water and empty reservoirs. The Bible says that the water was in excess of 15 cubits (about 22.5 feet) over the top of the tallest mountain. Now the mountains of the early world may not have been as tall as we have today (noone knows for sure), but nevertheless water that high would have certainly covered the entire earth and not just a region. Today we know that if the surface of the entire world were flat, the water in our oceans, lakes and rivers would cover the surface by 1.7 miles. This much water would have quickly saturated all land including hills and mountains. Today we see how rain-saturated hills and mountains often cause massive mud- or land-slides. So imagine what would have happened if these hills and mountains were covered with water, especially with waves and water rushing over the land as the water rose and moved from higher areas to lower ones. Underwater land-slides would have created massive amounts of layering sedimentation, quickly and deeply covering everything in its way, including dead or alive plants and animals. Heavier, denser organisms and debris would have settled first with lighter matter settling down later.

As numerous volcanoes continued to erupt (for who knows how long) they would have spewed massive amounts of ash into air and water, creating massive amounts of air pollution and sediment. Due to the land-slides and volcanic debris and ash, all around the world representatives of all creatures which lived before the flood were now buried deeply in sediment. Hundreds of feet of layered sedimentation could be quickly formed this way, trapping and preserving millions of organisms which formed the fossils and fossil fuels of today. Fossils only indicate the order of the burial of organisms and not the order of their emergence into the world as evolutionists teach. What we find in nature today is what we would expect from Noah’s world-wide flood: millions of dead things (fossilized plants and animals), buried in hundreds of layers of sedimentary rock which were laid down by water all over the earth. Fossils of more "complex" organisms are often found positioned below more "simple" organisms in undisturbed rock layers, therefore they are out of place according to evolutionary teaching. But if organisms died in such a catastrophic event, they could have been buried in any order. Oil and coal deposits would have been caused by burials of vast forests and mass accumulations of animals caught in water currents and whirl pools (this would explain the findings of vertically positioned fossilized whales and trees). For organisms to avoid decay and be able to fossilize, they must be completely and quickly covered in deep sediment to keep decomposing elements out: as air, bacteria and other living organisms.

The idea that it had to take one year to form each thin layer of soil or rock in the ancient past and millions of years to form millions of layers, is no longer a valid belief. Even the relatively small volcanic eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980 created over 600 feet (thousands of layers) of layered sedimentary rock (most within just a few days). If sedimentation rates were slow over thousands to millions of years , how could fossils form, especially in such detail, without the organism decaying first, and why are rock layers so straight (as seen at the Grand Canyon and roadside cutaways) with no signs of expected plant and animal activity or erosion between layers? Why are fossils, like petrified trees and even whales, found vertically positioned penetrating through hundreds of layers of undisturbed rock?

Fossil evidence, as ferns and palm trees in Greenland, indicate that the pre-flood world probably had a much warmer climate and a world-wide, uniform tropical temperature and environment. This was probably due to a very thick, transparent, water-vapor layer in the upper atmosphere which would have created a world-wide greenhouse effect. Apparently this water-vapor layer was depleted at the beginning of Noah’s flood. Whether this depletion was caused by the added heat of the many volcanoes, by asteroids or just a direct action by God, we do not know. But the Bible states that at the beginning of the flood it rained for forty days and forty nights.

Underwater volcanoes would have heated the oceans causing massive evaporation, clouds and plentiful rainfall which aided in the forty day deluge; it did not all have to come from the water-vapor layer. Now that the greenhouse effect was gone, the poles would have become cold. The heavy volcanic ash and probably world-wide cloud cover would have shaded the land masses causing them to cool down while the oceans heated up causing the precipitation to fall off and on for much longer than the forty days alone. At the now cold North and South poles massive amounts of snow and ice would have begun to accumulate. If the volcanic ash and clouds remained heavy for several years keeping the land masses cold, the ice from the poles could have grown toward the equator for several hundred years. This would have been the beginning of the Ice Age.

With the breaking up of the earth’s crust at the beginning of the flood, this probably created the tectonic plates that we see today around the world. Throughout the flood, the cataclysmic earthquakes and volcanoes could have probably caused these tectonic plates to move quickly toward and away from each other - bending, without cracking, soft newly forming rock and colliding with each other to create several new mountain ranges, often with exposed jagged rock, around the world. Today we still see much earthquake and volcanic activity along the junction of these tectonic plates, although it is to a much lesser degree.

Some changes which would have occurred after the flood would be the now sparse vegetation growing on land that has had its nutrient-rich top soil eroded away, and a drastic increase in radiometric conditions, such as Carbon-14 caused by a large increase in UV radiation now penetrating through the atmosphere which was once protected by the water-vapor layer. Therefore carbon containing organisms before the flood probably had very little, in any, Carbon-14 in their system since it was probably lacking in their environment. (see Chapter 6 "Inaccurate Dating Methods - why the non-historical dating techniques are not reliable" in The Evolution Handbook by Vance Ferrell. This entire 992 page book may be viewed at http://www.evolution-facts.org./ Chapter 6 lists in detail the top 20 methods of dating materials, supposedly older than a few thousand years, and shows how they are all notoriously unreliable.)

After the flood, all the animals left the ark and began spreading to all parts of the world. This new world would have been drastically changed from what they were used to in the old pre-flood world. Unfortunately after the flood many kinds of animals, including many kinds of dinosaurs, probably became extinct being unable to adapt to the new harsh, cold environment and climate, and now limited food supply. Also man and other large predators probably hunted many animals heavily for food and protection which would have also led to the extinction of many dinosaurs and other animals. Even in recent times, many animals have been hunted by man to extinction or near-extinction. Being cold-blooded, dinosaurs which left the ark could have become very sluggish and unable to defend themselves or even forage for food. Unlike reptiles today, some were too large to hibernate, so many of the large dinosaurs may have died out from starvation, predators, and freezing to death. Also many cultures have legends of dragon-slayers. Dragons were probably dinosaurs and man probably killed them as stated before for food and protection but possibly also for trophies as is done today with big game animals.

Although it is believed by many people that mankind has existed for a million or more years, including "primitive" Stone-age men for 100,000 years, reliable written historical records extend back only four to five thousand years. Secular, non-Biblical accounts indicate that man’s earliest civilization began in about 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia - an area about 300 miles wide by 800 miles long located about 200 miles south of Mount Ararat (in today’s Turkey) and roughly between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers from near the Black Sea to the Persian Gulf. Biblical history indicates that Adam and Eve were created about 4000 B.C. with man’s civilization starting shortly afterwards. The Biblical genealogical record indicates that there was only about 4000 years from the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus Christ. It appears to me that the only reason the Bible records how old each man was when his son was begat is so we can add up those years to see how long ago the creation was.

Noah’s world-wide flood would have destroyed all evidence of man’s previous pre-flood civilization except for any evidence which was stored on the ark and in the memory of Noah and his family. The resurgence of man’s civilization would have begun shortly after the flood at about 2350 B.C. These Biblical dates of civilization starting are remarkably close to the secular date of man’s earliest civilization beginning in about 3500 B.C. Present human population is far too few for man to have existed more than a few thousand years. At 1/4 of the present growth rate, to account for wars, plagues, etc., our present population could have been obtained within four to five thousand years - basically the same amount of time since Noah and his family departed the ark after the flood. Imagine what the present population would be today if man has been around for a million years or more.

After the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat (in today’s Turkey), Noah’s family would have traveled south through the mountainous terrain to the Shinar Plains which later became known as Mesopotamia. Mesopotamians are known by secular scholars for being a farming community which used irrigation for their crops and for their developments of pictograph writings and later cuneiform writings, mathematics, astronomical science and ideas of law. Therefore it is obvious that these people were not brutish ignorant post-ape men. They were direct descendants of pre-flood men who were highly intelligent. With pre-flood civilization knowledge, Noah’s family and their descendants would have been able to quickly develop a new civilization. There is a good chance that they may have used some or all of the wood from the ark to build homes since there were no grown trees to cut down immediately after the flood. So although there have been reports of possible sightings of the ark in the mountains of Ararat, the fact remains to be seen whether it still exists.

The people of this new civilization chose to stay mostly in one area for several years and did not scatter across the earth as God commanded. All people were part of one large gene pool and all spoke the same language. Up to this point in time there probably had never been more than one language. Although the flood had wiped out all the disobedient evil people of the world, it did not take long for people to learn and practice disobedience again. Finally, about 100 years after the flood, the people of Mesopotamia united in rebellion against God’s command to scatter and multiply across the earth and they began to erect a single great world empire with its capital at the first Babylon. Noah and his family would have been highly intelligent and would have retained much knowledge of the pre-flood culture, technology, and achievements through their memory of the old world and possibly through written records stored on the ark. Since people lived such long life spans before the flood, people like Methuselah, who lived the oldest recorded life of 969 years, would have had life spans which overlapped many generations of people. Therefore Methuselah could have personally known Adam and Noah and even Noah’s sons. Methuselah could easily have passed down written and / or verbal records from Adam to Noah and his family. Moses, who is given credit for writing and/or compiling the first five books of the Bible, could have received his information from Adam within only six links of people passing the information down from one person to the next.
After the flood, life spans began to dwindle down from 900 plus years to only a few hundred years, due to the changed living environment and its effects on the body and other factors. For example Adam lived 930 years, Methuselah -969, Noah -951, Shem (Noah’s son) - 600, Eber - 464, Peleg (who lived at the dispersion at Babel) - 239, Nahor - 158, and Abram (Abraham) - 120. These continued semi-long life spans immediately after the flood, would have allowed Noah’s descendants to begin to rapidly multiply. There is no telling how long women were able to birth children and no telling how many children each woman would have bore if they stilled lived for a few hundred years.

Their many descendants would have used such great knowledge in building their new empire. They eventually began erecting a gigantic temple tower, or ziggurat, which had a 1/4 mile square base, was eight stories (650 feet) high and at its apex was to be a shrine dedicated "unto heaven," very possibly inscribed with the signs of the zodiac and other astrological emblems. The great "Tower of Babel" was essentially a temple dedicated to Satan worship and evolutionary pantheism. Man had begun worshiping God’s created things again instead of praising God Himself.
Tower of Babel Incident

About 100 years after the flood, in order to scatter people across the earth as God had commanded at the end of the flood, God suddenly, in an instant, caused each major family group (several families) to speak a different language than any other family group. By changing the centers of each person’s brain which controls speech and understanding, only members of a family could now understand only other members of their family. Although we have thousands of different languages today, there are fewer than 20 distinct language "families" which gave rise to other languages as groups of people broke away and lived centuries separated from their original family groups. The confusion and incoherent communication probably led to arguments and fighting between different family groups. This would have led to each family group going its own way, getting away from other family groups for protection. Since marrying between families and even political unions were no longer possible, each family group eventually established its own national or linguistic identity. People were forced to marry within their own family. Now you may be thinking, "marrying close relatives is ‘incest’ so how could this be allowed?" Today we all have defects in our genetic code so if two closely related people have children there is a good chance that both people will have the same defective gene thereby causing their children to be defective. But Adam and Eve were created perfect without any defects therefore they had no defective genes to pass down to their children. Their children would have had to marry each other at first and later they could have married their nieces and nephews. Several generations could have passed before defects began to occur and then several more generations before it was a problem for close relatives to have children. So after the flood Noah’s close relatives would also have had to marry each other as well as members in these isolated family groups 100 years later. Abraham even married his half sister about 400 years after the flood. It was not until Moses’ time that it was forbidden by God for close relatives to marry.

Many families probably had to scatter quickly in all directions from their homes in or near the city, possibly leaving all they owned behind. The distance each family group had to travel would have depended on the size and strength of the family and the resources needed for each family. Most probably had to travel to distant uninhabited lands to find a suitable place to live. Now, if you had to move to a place where noone had ever lived before, how would you and your family live? Do you know how to build a house, forage for food, make metal for tools and weapons? Artifacts from the new lifestyle of these newly displaced families would look very primitive to us. Many may have lived in caves, under cliffs, in huts or tents and used crude stone and wood tools and weapons. These would have been our first "cavemen’ and "stone-age men" - regular people, like us, living in harsh conditions. Cavemen were not hairy, hunched over, ape-men as depicted by evolutionists; that idea came about when people started incorrectly believing that man evolved from the apes. If living conditions remained harsh for many years, many families may have remained "primitive" while others which may have remained in the city could have retained much of the technologically advanced knowledge which was used to build Babylon and lived in areas with plenty of resources. Therefore they may have lived an advanced lifestyle at the same time others lived harsh caveman lifestyles. Even today we have tribal families living in remote areas with "primitive" lifestyles.

If it weren’t for caves we would not have cavemen, so where did the caves come from. As water receded after the flood (and /or melted at the end of the Ice-Age), water would have gotten trapped behind land-slide/sediment dams. This water could have created canyons when the soft sediment dams broke under the weight of the water or as water poured over the top of the dams eroding and weakening them. (See the article "How Much Time?" to see how this happened in 1980 after the Mount Saint Helens explosion created a dam) Also as water drained from the land and into the oceans, the erosion of the water seeping through the new soft sedimentary rock would have quickly created caves all around the world. Stalactites and stalagmites would have quickly formed in the past as water above the caves would have dissolved minerals and carried them through cracks in the rock to the caves. As the rocks hardened and the seepage slowed, the formation of stalactites and stalagmites would have drastically slowed down. Today they form very slowly in most caves.

Before the great dispersion at Babel, everyone belonged to a single non-distinct "race" of people and shared a common language and history and the largest common gene pool ever. (Actually the people before the flood would have had the largest variety of genes in one people group. Noah and his wife, his three sons and their wives would have had a wide variety of genes, but possibly not all the genes that Adam and Eve had. To retain all the possible genetic combinations each family group would have had to have both dominant and recessive traits of each characteristic.) If all people were able to marry anyone in this large diverse group of people, then all families had access to the same genetic stock (a large variety of gene combinations) for variations in skin color, stature, hair texture, facial features, etc.

But after God’s intervention at Babel, the language barrier caused isolated groups of people, no longer having access to the large gene pool, therefore causing isolated inbreeding which would have led to a loss of different genes in each family group’s gene pool. Also genetic mutations would have increased with time which would have further differentiated one family group from others. Eventually certain characteristics in each new family group would have become dominant and preferred while others would be less preferred and possibly looked down upon causing racism and discrimination. Our culture today does the same thing with people who have different shades of skin, or are very fat, ugly, short, etc. It is known that some existing pygmy tribes began when pygmy tribe members were kicked out of their tribe. They started living amongst other pygmies to form a new family group. Other people with undesirable traits could have started new colonies too if they were not destroyed first.

As mentioned before, the post-flood climate was vastly different from the pre-flood world. Heavy evaporation from continuing volcanic activity in the oceans would have caused more and more ice and snow to build up in the colder far North and South regions. It is believed by many that this is when the Ice-Age started. It is believed that the snow, ice and glaciers built up for about 500 years then took about 200 years to melt away. This melting would have caused several smaller floods which could have created further burial and fossilizing of more organisms.
Civilizations Spread

Some family groups, especially those who were small or weak, would have moved far North and South to get away from other family groups. Here they would have had to contend with the encroaching, very cold, cloudy, Ice-Age conditions. Such conditions required heavily clothed skin and allowed very little sun exposure. This would have limited the growth of vegetation to only certain types, therefore limiting what people could eat. Sun exposure is also required for the skin to make vitamin D. Therefore people living in very cold climates with very little, if any, sun exposure could have suffered from "rickets" - a vitamin D deficiency which causes severe crippling arthritis. People with dark skin would have been even more prone to rickets since dark pigment in the skin blocks the sun exposure even further. Research of Neanderthal people has revealed that they had rickets giving them the supposed ape-man, hunched over stance. Neanderthal people were apparently very intelligent too since they had brain cavities 13% larger than our present skulls.

Therefore severe climate conditions, cultural preferences, and isolated inbreeding would have caused families or nations to have begun to have unique physical (racial) characteristics as well as language ones. Also they would have eventually began to develop new and separate currency, technology, religious practices, and separate histories from this point on. As these family groups grew they became nations of people groups. This explains why we see differences in appearances between the Caucasians from Europe, the Negroids from Africa, the Asians, the Indians, the Eskimos, etc.

Here it is interesting to note that until the discovery of America, all the world had been pretty much isolated into their own separate nations with their own cultures and unique external "racial" physical appearances due to their breeding within their isolated gene pools. As people began to migrate to and spread across America over the past few centuries, they began blending their cultures with others. The United States of America has been called "The Melting Pot of the World". Today we see a wide variety of "races", languages, religious groups, and histories. With inter-racial marriages or living arrangements and their offspring, we are quickly returning to a single non-distinct "race" of people. Also today due to our rapid growth in technology, people (races) all over the world are able to travel vast distances quickly, and are able to communicate with many other people all over the world, thereby sharing each others cultures. We, as a world race, are beginning to share a common history and even similarities in our cultures. We are also seeing a push by some individuals toward a common language, common currency, and even a common world religion. I find it very interesting to see how we are returning to a "race" of people similar to that which lived before the flood. It makes me wonder how close we are to God’s next destruction as prophecized in the Bible.

Now, back to ancient times. As families dispersed, some would have migrated to many distant lands by way of sea travel, or crossing ice and land bridges between lands. If the warm oceans continued to evaporate and the moisture continued to accumulate as snow and ice in the colder regions, without melting, the ocean levels could have dropped quite a bit. This would have exposed the continental shelves around each continent creating land bridges between some continents and some islands. As temperatures dropped during the Ice-Age, ice bridges would also have formed. These bridges would have allowed a way for people and animals to spread from one continent to another. As these families spread around the world they would have taken with them their religious beliefs and customs. By now many families had again developed pagan, multi-god beliefs and rituals. Some family groups could have retained superior architectural and technological skills as were used to build the "Tower of Babel" in Babylon. With these skills and a desire to please their gods, they could have built temples to their gods as demonstrated by the different temples seen around the world: ziggurats, pyramids, massive desert drawings, and Stonehenge. Stonehenge appears to be an extremely accurate astronomical calculator, with some stones weighing about 100 tons and quarried over 75 miles away. Our present day technology could not accomplish such a feat.

As populations began to grow and civilizations began to spread, empires began to develop such as the Babylonians, Gauls, Medes, Goths, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, Franks, Romans, Britons, Saxons, Bavarians, Lombards, and many more. These are definitely not listed here in the order in which they emerged. (See http://www.rae.org/ - the entire book: After The Flood by Bill Cooper is online. It contains evidence showing European genealogies from Noah through Japheth and Ancient Chronologies and Records.) With the growth of such nations, we also saw the beginning of armies, wars, barbarians, fortresses, and castles. What is really interesting is that families, tribes, individuals, and peoples listed in the Table of Nations in Genesis have been traced (from Noah to modern times) through ancient non-Biblical genealogies and chronicles of the peoples of the Middle East and Europe. Recent archaeological findings are confirming more and more such cultures and places which are listed in Genesis.

Other evidence which indicates that ancient man was highly intelligent with high levels of technology are the discovery of copper and iron "electric" batteries (possibly used for electroplating), and the finding of an ancient, analog computer with differential gears found on a sunken 1st century ship (apparently used for navigation). If civilizations were so technologically advanced in ancient times, why has mankind been so technologically deprived over the last several centuries? As civilizations around the world suffered loss of lives through plaques, invasions, wars, and had to endure possibly many evacuations, they would have gradually or quickly lost their previously advanced cultural technology. Harsh living conditions probably lasted several generations for some families such as during the Dark-Ages. It is hard to be technologically advanced if for a long time you are living with few numbers of people, off a bare minimum of resources and trying to meet your basic requirements for life - food, shelter and protection. It was not until the past few centuries, after the Dark-Ages, that civilizations began to flourish again.

I hope this article has raised your curiosity for the evidence of man’s true origins and early history. Although there is no way to scientifically "prove" any theory of origins or man’s early history, I believe that modern scientific evidence indicates the above account to be true. There are many books with much more detailed evidences not mentioned in this article which strongly support the historical accounts of God’s creation, Adam and Eve, Noah’s flood, and the dispersion of families at the Tower of Babel as recorded in Genesis in the Bible. Due to this and much more evidences I have studied, I have learned to trust in the reliability of the entire Bible. (See the article "Evidence for Biblical Reliability" with links to several different web articles, including the ones listed in this article, for much more information and strong evidences for the reliability of the Bible)

Signs of the End Times

Signs of the End Times

Most of this lecture comes from sections of two amazing books. The first is called "World Aflame" by Billy Graham and the second is called "The Bible Has The Answer" by Henry M. Morris and Martin E. Clark.

According to Jesus, there is no way we can predict the definite time of His coming and of the end of this present age. But Jesus expects us to be aware of and even commands us to recognize when His coming is near. (Answers p333-334) Jesus told His disciples that there were signs throughout the Scriptures of His return. They knew that the Old Testament Scriptures were filled with the signs of His first coming and that these Scriptures had prophesied accurately the details of that coming hundreds of years before Jesus was born. (WA p197) Jesus said there would be a future generation with certain characteristics to indicate that the end is near. During this generation all the signs of His coming will converge. Those who are true Christians will be able to read the signs and warn others as Noah did. Today it would seem that those signs are indeed converging for the first time since Christ ascended into heaven. (WA p198)

So what are some of these signs? Compare the following to Matthew Ch. 24 in the Bible.

1st is, a general decline in morality. As stated earlier, our society is experiencing a drastic decline in morals. Billy Graham noted that "The world is on a moral binge such as was not known even in the days of Rome. We have at our fingertips every pleasure that man is capable of enjoying, and man has abused every gift God ever gave him, including sex, until he no longer finds joy and satisfaction in them. (WA p200)

The 2nd sign is, a wide-spread decline in religious faith and an infiltration of false teachers and leaders into Christian churches. Jesus said "many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many." Billy Graham says that this all seems to point to a time of wide-spread hypocrisy when multitudes of people will be herded into the church without having had a personal experience with Jesus Christ. The Bible will be under attack."(WA p200-201) There are many false religions today. Make sure your leaders follow the teachings of the Holy Bible and keep God’s words in proper context.

The 3rd sign is that there will be a prevalence of a naturalistic evolutionary philosophy in science and the coming of scoffers. II Peter chapter 3 verses 3 & 4 state that "There shall come in the last days - scoffers, saying ... all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." Today’s society accepts the idea of uniformitarianism, which is the foundation of the theory of evolution and means that the findings in nature in the present explain the conditions of nature in the past. This is where the idea came from that it took millions of years to form the multi-striated rock layers around the world. Therefore there is no room for catastrophic events to have occurred such as the world-wide flood which would have quickly caused these rock layers.

The 4th sign is that there will be an increase in lawlessness and a rebellious attitude of most of the younger generation. II Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 - 3 says "This know also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, (and) without natural affection." (WA p202) We live in a very selfish society today. There is little respect for others. No wonder we have such a high rate of divorce and broken homes. Family values are at an all time low.

The 5th sign is, a growing conflict between the rich and the poor. While millions of people starve to death, other millions will grow to be very rich. I Timothy 6:10 warns us that "the love of money is the root of all evil." All over the world we see countless people living in substandard conditions in poverty-stricken areas while others in prosperous, wealthy nations live lavish lifestyles.

The 6th sign of the approaching end times is development of an apostate world church and the rapid rise of anti-Christian leaders and philosophers to prepare for the coming of a world totalitarian anti-Christian government with a World Dictator. For this dictator to be effective, all people groups will have to be united. In order to unify all societies, world leaders will set up a world government and a single world leader will emerge. This world leader will be the antichrist. We are already seeing today trends and efforts to develop a world-wide common language, common currency, common government and even a common religion without Jesus. With today’s communication technology, antichrist will be able to quickly and effectively reach and control the entire world.

The 7th sign is the increase of world wars. According to the Bible, wars will become more widespread affecting everyone, more devastating, and more frequent than ever before. War today has become high tech, the most highly developed of all sciences. We have perfected our weapons but failed to perfect the men who use them. (WA p205) With the availability of weapons of mass destruction around the world today, the chance of a world war affecting everyone is very likely. Although the world today desperately longs for peace and constantly talks about peace, the Prince of Peace - Jesus Christ, is never consulted about peace. (WA p206-207)

The 8th sign is the widespread fear and confusion regarding the world’s future. (Answers p335) Billy Graham paraphrased Jesus by saying that He said the generation before His return would be under severe pressure from every point of view and there would be no apparent way out. As men contemplate the future, He said, they will be not only afraid, they will be terrified.

The 9th sign is the drastic growth of knowledge and travel. Daniel 12:4 states that "even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." It was not until this generation that Daniel’s words could have possibly been understood. For the first time since the Scriptures were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we can understand many parts of them in the light of current world events. Daniel was surely talking about our generation - the age of speed and travel and knowledge. (WA p205-206) The rate that human knowledge is doubling has increased exponentially over the past few generations.

The 10th sign is the preaching of the gospel to every nation of the world. Although only a small part of the world’s people will ever turn to Christ, it is necessary that some from all nations at least hear the gospel. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 that "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Answers p336) Modern travel is allowing the distribution of Bibles world-wide now, and because of modern travel and communication through tapes, CD’s, books, radio, TV, faxes and the internet, it is possible that the prophecy of Matthew 24:14 is being fulfilled in our generation for the first time. (WA p210)

The 11th sign is the widespread persecution of Christians. More Christians are being persecuted around the world today than ever before. Many Christians are treated harshly, imprisoned, and even killed today just for their dedication to their faith in Jesus. The more our societies grow in anti-Christian sentiment, the more we will see our persecution.

The 12th sign is the restoration of Israel as a nation, and the return of Jerusalem to the Jews. There will be turmoil in the Middle East.(Answers p336-338)

Another sign is the intensification of earthquakes and similar physical catastrophes. (Answers p337-338) In the book of Revelation chapters 4 - 18 it describes many weather related catastrophes which indicate that the earth will become completely unpredictable. (Weather & the Bible p147) Also changes in weather patterns will make it difficult to discern between seasons.

These are only a few of the signs given in Scriptures to alert believers (in Jesus) that "the day is approaching." (Hebrews 10:25) All such signs are being fulfilled today, some more intensively today than ever in the past. (Answers p336) Even apart from the Scriptures, the imminent danger of nuclear extermination, the population explosion, the approaching poisoning of our water and air supplies, and the general deterioration of the entire social and physical environment indicate that the world in its present form cannot survive much longer. There is surely no hope apart from Christ. (Answers p336) For the Christian, all is not hopeless unless his affections are centered on the things of this world. If you have been living a life dedicated to God, laying up treasures in heaven, with your affections on things above, then you have no cause for despair and discouragement. (WA p210)

Billy Graham also noted, "To one who accepts the Biblical account, it is exciting to pick up a newspaper in one hand and the Bible in the other hand and to watch the almost daily fulfillment of prophetic events. Man is precisely what the Bible says he is. Human nature is behaving exactly as the Bible said it would. The course of human events is flowing just as Christ predicted it would." "The Christian is not to be disturbed by the chaos, violence, strife, bloodshed, and threat of war that fill the pages of our daily newspapers. We know that these things are the consequences of man’s sin and greed. If anything else were happening, we would doubt the Bible. Every day we see a thousand evidences of the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Every day as I read my newspaper I say: ‘The Bible is true’."

Pre-Eternity Events

The Rapture
So what about Christ’s return? What does this mean? First of all we need to get an idea of what happens to us when we die. Although there are different views of what happens to us when we die, the following is a brief explanation of what I understand to be true. When we die, our physical body remains on earth, whether buried, entombed or cremated. Our spirit remains an individual identity and goes to be with our Lord Jesus in heaven if we have accepted Jesus as our personal savior, otherwise our spirit joins other lost spirits in a temporary abode called Hades. Hades or the present "hell", also called "the pit" or "the abyss", is supposedly somewhere in the heart of the earth itself, according to Scripture. The temporary spiritual bodies of the unsaved dead will not be consumed in the fires of Hades, since they are not physical bodies. Nevertheless, their spirits are real, continuing to exist in this real world even after the body is dead and will undoubtedly be subject to intense suffering. (from "The Bible Has the Answer" by Morris & Clark p312) At some time in the future after Christ first returns, our spirits will be reunited with physical bodies and we will be given a new final eternal home. Whether this eternal home is heaven or hell will depend on whether or not we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
Now we call the next coming of Christ His second coming since His life and death on earth 2000 years ago was His first coming. Forty days after the resurrection of His death, Jesus ascended into heaven surrounded by a cloud. At some point in time, probably in the near future, while the end time prophecies are being fulfilled, Jesus will return in a cloud to our earth’s atmosphere - not to earth’s surface. Many people call this time "the rapture". Jesus’ second coming will not be a single instantaneous climactic event terminating history, but will encompass a period of time and a series of events, just as did His first coming! (Answers p338) Some of these signs even now are being fulfilled in their beginning phases. Christ will return first to earth’s atmosphere to catch up all Christians into heaven before some signs of the end of time will even begin. Christ will later return with His Christians to earth’s surface after the seven year tribulation when all signs have been completed.
When Jesus was resurrected, three days after His brutally bloody death, He arose with a new perfectly glorious body. The first Christians to be caught up to Jesus in the clouds will be all those who have died who accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Then all the Christians who are still living at the time of Christ’s return will arise to be with Jesus in heaven. At this point all Christians, which Jesus will call His saints, will each be given a new everlasting, perfectly glorious body as Christ received at His resurrection. There will be no more defects, diseases, imperfections of any kind. This new perfect body will last for eternity.
Although noone really knows what happens to us when we die, I believe that it is possible that this is our rapture moment. We know that God and Jesus are outside of time. They know the past and have always known the future. I believe that it is possible that when we die, time stops for us too, and we leap from the present to the future rapture. Reports from many people who have encountered life after death experiences, say that they saw a bright white light with the figure of a person in it. As they drifted near this figure, the person told some of them something like "We are not ready for you yet" and "you will have to go back." Also reports from people who have witnessed the death of loved ones and friends, have said that before the person died they would look up and report seeing a bright light and /or loved ones who had passed away or groups of people. Sometimes they would even call out the name of a deceased loved one as saying something like "Well George, there you are." I believe that when we die Jesus is there shining brightly calling us to Him alone or with other loved ones by His side as a welcoming committee. During the rapture it is said that Jesus will catch up those Christians who have died first before the living Christians are taken from earth. Could this mean that as soon as we die we are called to Him instead of waiting for a mass catching up at some future point in time. Also, if our spirits are jumping to the future as soon as our body dies, then we may receive our glorious, new, defect-free body soon after we join Jesus instead of waiting around in a spirit form until all other Christians are raptured and Jesus returns to earth with us Christians - His saints.
Once all Christians who ever lived are removed from earth, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will also leave the earth to allow Satan to rule the earth for the next seven years without the Holy Spirit’s influence. This seven year period is called the "tribulation" and will be a time of devastation to the earth itself and all its inhabitants. Immediately after the rapture of all the Christians, the antichrist will rise. Scripture refers to antichrist as the beast since he will be a man of great strength and ability to force his will upon the world, but in such a way that he will be admired, feared and worshiped as a god. He will dominate the world scene with a cleverness the world has never known. There will also be a rise in false prophets during this tribulation. Many people will die with large scale wars and earthquakes. Also massive disasters will destroy much of the earth. Then one third of the earth’s plants will be burned and destroyed from falling hail, fire and blood. A burning mountain will be plunged into the sea destroying much sea life, polluting one third of the sea and sinking ships. Blazing objects will strike the earth polluting one third of the fresh water on earth. Then one third of the sun, moon and stars will be struck and darkened. Then demon possessed locusts will be released destroying crops and one third of mankind will be killed. All of these things are to occur within the first 3 ½ years of the tribulation. You definitely do not want to be around during the tribulation but the only way to avoid it is to be raptured or die before it happens. The next 3 ½ years will bring on ugly, painful sores and further pollution of the sea, killing sea life. All fresh water on earth will turn to blood. Then the remaining people will be scorched as the sun grows very hot. (Revelation - God’s Word for the Biblically Inept series p334) So as you can see, by the end of the tribulation period, the earth will be a very changed devastated place for only a few unfortunate remaining souls to dwell.
Christ Returns to Earth
After all the end time prophecies have been fulfilled, the tribulation will be over and it will be time for Christ to return to the earth to deal with the remaining spirits. All unbelievers will be slain and sent to hell. All people who died during the tribulation but chose to accept Christ as their personal savior will be known as the "Tribulation Saints". Jesus will catch them up at the end of the tribulation as He did the Christians before the tribulation. Also Jesus will catch up the remaining Old Testament saints, those who were faithful to God before Christ’s first coming.
According to Billy Graham "The Bible teaches that man is so rebellious against the laws of God that someday (after the tribulation) he will mass his armies against God Himself. This will be the last great conflict, called Armageddon. This will be the final war, the last convulsive effort of fallen man against the law of God. This will be a time of judgment for non-believers. God has offered His love and mercy and forgiveness to men. From the Cross, God has said to the entire world, "I love you". However when that love is deliberately rejected, the only alternative is judgment. So antichrist, Satan in human form, will wage war with his followers and demons against Christ, God in human form. Christ will easily win the war with all His Saints safely behind Him. Satan will be bound then Satan, antichrist, and the false prophets will all be cast into the "Lake of Fire".
The Thousand Year Reign
Once the world is free from Satan’s influence, Christ will rule over all the earth from the earth’s surface with His Christian Saints. Remember, Christ and all His saints will have new, glorious, defect-free, perfect, everlasting bodies. They will not die. They will dwell on earth for one thousand years before the earth is transformed. This thousand year span is to be called "the Millennium". For an eternal existence in heaven to be perfect, we must learn how to get along with each other and love each other. Peace and harmony are impossible with out respect and love. If God were to grant us eternal life without teaching us how to love each other, He would be committing us to live forever in confusion and chaos. I believe that the millennium will be a time when Christians will continue to grow in spiritual maturity and develop Christ-like character. The more mature Christians will teach and be examples for the less mature. Before the end of the millennium, all Christians must be perfect examples of Christ-like behavior and thought. Therefore by the time the New Jerusalem and new heaven appear, all Christians will be able to live in perfect harmony and peace.
If Christ is to return to earth and rule over earth with His saints, who will they be ruling over? Since it is not recorded in the Bible, we can only speculate what might happen. So keep in mind that these explanations are only ideas. Ultimately we won’t really know what will happen until it happens. I have heard of three possible explanations. The first is that in the past God has always made sure that a remnant of His people, the Jewish nation, has remained after devastating events, as the holocaust. Therefore after the tribulation, a remnant of the Jewish nation will survive to begin repopulating the earth. They will fill the earth over the next 1000 years while the resurrected Christian saints rule over them with Jesus teaching them about Jesus.
The second is that only the Christian saints will inhabit the earthly kingdom. At death we are all at different levels in our spiritual maturity. Therefore the more mature Christians will rule over and teach and be examples for other less mature Christians. Each saint may be put in charge of a certain number of other saints depending on their level of spiritual maturity and past level of obedience and loyalty to God. By the end of the millennium all Christians will be spiritually mature and ready to enter the new heaven, new Jerusalem, and new earth as mentioned in Revelation.
The third explanation is the idea of second chances. Jesus stated in the Bible that the only way to the Father (God) is through the Son (Jesus). So we must except Jesus as our Lord and Savior to b e able to live in the heavenly kingdom of God. But what about people around the world who are very devout and dedicated to their god or those who live very Christ-like lives but have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And what about people who have never heard of Jesus Christ or the gospel of Christ or gentiles who lived before the time of Jesus. Will God condemn these people to eternal hell and damnation? Some people believe that such people (or all non-believers) may be resurrected to live on earth during the millennium to be given a chance to know Jesus Christ through Christian, saint teachers. If they truly accept Christ during this time then they may be saved and be accepted into God’s family along with all the other Christians. But if they still reject Jesus Christ and choose to live a life separated from God, then they will be condemned to the everlasting hell upon the judgement day at the end of the thousand years reign.
Since we do not know if there will be a second chance and we know that we must accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior to be saved, I recommend that everyone accept Jesus while here on earth. Also since we do not know when we are to die, this decision to accept Jesus needs to be as soon as possible. Why take a chance with your eternal life?
Judgement Days
Now what about Christ’s judgment upon mankind? Every person is a sinner and deserves to be judged for his sins. The penalty for sin is death (separation from God). Christ came to earth and paid the price of sin for all sinners. All who accept Christ as their savior and redeemer will be pardoned of their sins and not be judged for them. Christians will be judged not for their sins but for their good works. Christians will receive rewards in heaven for work done to the glory of God. They will lose rewards when good works done on earth are done for personal ambition or self interest. ("World Aflame" by Billy Graham p220)
The bodies and spirits of all unbelievers remain on earth until the end of the millennium. By rejecting Jesus and therefore Jesus’ sacrificial death for the sin of all men, unbelievers remain separated from God. No matter how good a person has been, all men are still sinners and no amount of good deeds can earn their way into heaven.
At the end of the millennium, Satan and the spirits of all unbelievers will be released from Hades, the temporary hell, and reunited with their dead bodies, then they will be judged by Jesus and sentenced to spend all eternity in the final hell called Gehenna.

Evidence For Biblical Accuracy


The beginning of everything in nature, our origins, and our early history, is accurately recorded in the Bible. No real mistake has ever been demonstrated in the Bible: in science, in history, or in any other subject. Not one statement in the Bible has ever been disproved by any real facts of science or history. True science has always confirmed the Bible. All of its scripture can be trusted.

The GAPS in Biblical History and the GAMES in Biblical Science show strong evidences for Biblical accuracy.


Genealogy - Through research of ancient, non-Christian, genealogies and chronicles of the people of the Middle East and Europe, names of individuals, families, peoples, and tribes listed in Genesis have been found to be accurate. The confirmation of these names show that the stories in Genesis can also be true.

Archaeology - Places and cultures recorded in the Bible are being confirmed at a staggering rate. The Bible is even being used now as a reference to locate cities in the Bible which are now lost and buried.

Prophecy - There are remarkable evidences of hundreds of Bible prophecies having been fulfilled, specifically and meticulously, often long after the prophetic writer has passed away. Many more prophecies are yet to be fulfilled too. The Bible is like no other book in prophecy fulfillment.

Stories - Today nearly all cultures of different people groups around the world have similar historical stories of a flood with eight people and the later dispersion of families. Such common historical accounts confirm a single common society before its dispersion as recorded in Genesis. This is another indication of true history recorded in the Bible.


Geology -The fossil records and rock layers we see today are consistent with the effects of a world-wide flood. We find billions of dead things (fossilized with amazing detail), buried in multiple, striated, sedimentary, rock layers, which were quickly laid down by water, all over the earth.

Anatomy - So many plants and creatures are so unique in their design and unlike any other organism that evolutionists have no idea how or why they evolved or from what organism they evolved (as the Duck-billed Platypus). Many also have very complex systems or structures that could not have functioned if only partially formed so they had to be complete from the very beginning . The special design and creation of such organisms demonstrates the awesome intelligence, power and creativity of God.

Mutation - God created every "kind" (what we think of as a "genus") of creature and plant with the ability to reproduce only its same "kind" (not mutate or evolve into other "kinds"). God created each specific "kind" with great potential for variations within its kind (what we think of as "species"). Modern science has shown that many species (variations) of each genus have occurred through genetic mutations, gene pool isolation, natural selection and survival of the fittest. We not only do not see the evolving of "one kind into another kind" in nature today, but we also have no such evidence of transitional "in-between" kinds in the fossil records. Again, science supports scripture in the Bible.

Earth Age - Most modern scientific evidences (as levels of sodium and sediment in the ocean, degradation amounts of galaxies, comets, the moon’s surface, and earth’s magnetic field, amount of helium in the atmosphere) indicate that the earth is only a few thousand years old. Radiometric dating techniques are dependant on a fairly stable environment, therefore they may be considered reliable only up to Noah’s world-wide flood which would have catastrophically changed the entire world. Ages of people recorded in the Bible’s genealogical records also indicate an age of only about 6000 years since creation. Much evidence supports the six literal days for creation as recorded in the Bible.

Sanitation - Although the scientific reasoning for germs and sanitation was not understood by man until recent times, God taught man thousands of years ago, in simple terms anyone could understand, how to take care of himself. Modern science shows that God’s instructions and warnings for us are accurate and purposeful. This further demonstrates God’s awesome intelligence and care for His people.