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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How To Love Your Lord


In 1 Corinthians 13:13 it tells us that faith, hope and love abide in us but the greatest of these is love. Although faith and hope will no longer be needed once we are in heaven with God, love will endure forever. God wants His love for us to be an example of how we should love others - unconditionally and sacrificially. He also wants our love for Him to be an example of how we are to love others. In time, all of God’s people will be expected to love each other forever.

The Bible tells us that God loves us, but how can we love God? In Matthew 22:37 it states "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." So how do we show love for someone? When you read the following article, think about your relationship with your spouse, your family, your friends, your neighbors and your Lord, God. Read the article a few times, each time with a different relationship in mind.

When you love someone, you want to be with them often. You want to communicate with them - in person, on the phone, or writing them and reading their words written to you. Sometimes you will even write love letters or messages to each other. They will be on your mind often throughout each day. You live with anticipation of being with them. (When you love God you will look forward to communicating with Him. Unlike with other relationships, God is always with us in spirit, so we can talk to Him in prayer at any time. He talks to us occasionally through our thoughts but often through His written word - the Holy Bible. It has been said that the Bible is one long love letter written to us showing us how God loves and cares for us. John 3:16 even states "God so loved the world [us] that He gave [us] His only begotten Son... .")

When you love someone, you will enjoy doing things for them. You will want to do things that are pleasing to them. Other people will be able to tell that you love this person by the way you talk about them and the way you treat them. You will want to treat them with honor and respect and not do anything which would be degrading to them. You would not want to hurt them in any way - physically or emotionally. (We show are love for God by keeping His commandments - showing respect for Him and other people. We are to willingly help others who are in need. If you truly love God, you will want to tell others about Him and you will watch how you use His name and try not to do anything that is displeasing to Him.)

When you love someone, you would appreciate what they do for you. You would thank them often. You would praise them for who they are, for what they mean to you, and for how they have enhanced your life. (Through our prayers, we show our appreciation for God and for the many blessings He has given us.) Finally, you would tell them often "I Love You!"