It has been estimated that up to 80% of children who are brought up in Christian homes will lose their faith before the 1st year of college. New research shows that most kids give up their faith years before college.
Research shows that most children are not being taught Biblical apologetics (evidence which supports the reliability of the Bible).
Can you give logical reasons for why to believe?
Are you prepared to defend claims of God’s existence
or the reliability of the Bible?
Do you have evidence to share with others?
Is there logical evidence to support the Bible’s reliability?
Actually there is plenty of logical evidence
as the articles below will show.
* To read an Article, select one from the "Blog Archive" list
at the lower right of this page. Click on the triangle next to Month,
then select an article you want to view.
* To see articles by Topic, select a Topic from the "Labels" list
to the right of this page. Click on the desired Topic, then scroll down
the articles to see the available articles for that Topic.
1) See How Scientific Evidence - Historical Evidence -
Archaeological Evidence and much more
drastically support the Reliability of the Bible.
"Evidence for Biblical Reliability"
2) See Scientific Evidence for the Origin of Life,
Origin of the Species, Origin of Man,
Origin of the Universe, and the
Origin of Fossils and Rock Layers.
"Creative Views of Science -
Origins Lecture"
"Comparison of Origins Theories" -
A Summary
3) See How Scientific Evidence explains Biblical and Secular History as
Creation, Noah’s Ark and the Flood, Babel, Cavemen,
Dinosaurs, Early Civilizations and much more.
"Man’s Early History"
"How Much Time?"