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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Are We Approaching Armageddon?

Are We Approaching

By Irvin Baxter
From the Sept./Oct. 2006
Issue Of Endtime Magazine

Nine specific prophecies in the Bible will occur within the final seven years prior to the Battle of Armageddon. By examining these prophecies, we can get a sense of how close we are to Armageddon.

1) The final seven years will begin when the Antichrist and the international community give their support to Israel’s right to exist in the land promised to Abraham by God. This is called the Confirmation Of The Covenant (Daniel 9:27 & Genesis 15:18).
2) A war will begin from the vicinity of the Euphrates River (Revelation 9:13-16).
3) The West Bank (Judea) in Israel will become a place of Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15-21).
4) The Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be placed under a Sharing Arrangement between Jew and Gentile (Revelation 11:1-2).
5) The Jewish temple will be Built on the Temple Mount (Revelation 11:1-2 & 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
6) The Temple Mount will be placed under the supervision of the world community and the leader of the world community, The Antichrist will stand on the Temple Mount claiming to be God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
7) A World Government will dominate the world for three and one-half years prior to Armageddon (Daniel 7:23 & Revelation 13;7).
8) Each person on earth will be required to have A Mark or a number in order to buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-18).
9) The world community, led by Russia And Iran, will invade the nation of Israel (Zechariah 14:2-4 & Ezekiel 38 & 39).


1) Israeli Prime Minister has openly stated that the number one goal of his administration is to obtain the support of the international community for ISRAEL’S FINAL BORDERS. He hopes to achieve this by the end of 2008.
2) Most of the Euphrates River is in Iraq. The United States has 140,000 troops STATIONED ALONG THE EUPHRATES at this time. The conflict between the U.S. and islamic Fundamentalism is not diminishing, but increasing around the world.
3) Ehud Olmert has openly said that he will withdraw from the West Bank (Judea) by the end of 2008. Then, recently, he announced that his convergence-withdrawal plan is off - "NO LONGER RELEVANT." Whether or not Israel withdraws, the prophecy is clear that there will be slaughter in Judea.
4) President Clinton suggested the SHARING OF THE TEMPLE MOUNT in July of 2000. It is generally believed this is the only possible solution to the Temple Mount dispute whenever the issue is finally resolved.
5) All the furniture for ISRAEL’S THIRD TEMPLE is now complete; Israel has her long-sought-for red heifer, which is needed before the re-establishment of temple worship; and in June of 2005, the newly re-born Sanhedrin announced they were proceeding with building the temple. They intend to pre-fabricate it off-site.
6) Ehud Barak, Israeli Prime Minister in the year 2000, suggested placing the Temple Mount UNDER UN CONTROL in order to make a sharing of the Temple Mount possible. When the UN takes control of the Temple Mount, the leader of the world government will feel justified in claiming ultimate authority there.
7) The nations of the world are increasingly recognizing the authority of INTERNATIONAL LAW. We now have the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization and the World Court - just to name a few. We have a World Court to adjudicate the international laws of the emerging world government.
8) On May 11, 2005, President Bush signed the REAL ID ACT. The law requires that every American must have a national ID card by May 11, 2008. Without this card, a person will not be able to hold a job or open a bank account. Without a job or a bank account, how much buying and selling will an individual be able to do? Oh, by the way, you can’t get your card without giving your number...your social security number.
9) Iran (Persia) and Russia (Meshech - root word for Moscovi or Moscow) are NOW IN ALLIANCE. Iran is the leading advocate of "wiping Israel off the map."


Are we approaching the Battle of Armageddon? Absolutely! How much time do we have left? Probably between seven and ten years. Could it be longer? Yes, but it’s not likely.