by Brooks A. Harris, O.D.
(Eagle Scout since 1973)
Lord, thank you for the many gifts, blessings and abilities You have provided for me. Please help me to appreciate what You have allowed me to have.
Please help me too to be prepared for the trials, temptations and challenges which I will face today. Give me the wisdom to know right from wrong and the courage to do what is right.
Help me to live up to the Boy Scout Ideals, so I may be a better person for You, my family and my society.
Help me to find and understand my purpose in life and to do Your will for my life.
Help me to properly perform my duties to You, my family, my troop and my country.
Help me keep my body physically strong, my mind mentally awake and my actions morally straight.
Lord, I know that You are the ultimate example for us to live by, so please help me to set an example for others by living up to the Scout Law:
Help me to be Trustworthy and always tell the truth, keep my promises and be dependable,
Help me to be Loyal and be true to You and my family, friends, leaders and my country,
Help me to be Helpful and be prepared and willing to do good turns for others when needed,
Help me to be Friendly and understand and respect the differences in others,
Help me to be Courteous and have good manners and be polite toward others,
Help me to be Kind and gentle to Your creatures and to treat others as I would like to be
Help me to be Obedient by studying Your word and obeying Your laws and commandments and the rules and laws of my family, school, troop, community and my nation,
Help me to be Cheerful in my daily activities and to be content with what I have,
Help me to be Thrifty by wisely saving and spending my money and time, and carefully using property and natural resources,
Help me to be Brave and courageous in facing my fears and standing up for what I believe to be right,
Help me to be Clean in my thoughts, actions, hygiene, and my environment, and above all,
Help me to be Reverent toward You and faithful in my religion.
by Brooks A. Harris, O.D.
When a boy earns his Eagle Scout Award, he has achieved the highest rank possible in Boy Scouts. It has been said that this achievement is equivalent to a college degree in terms of information learned. He is a young man who exemplifies the Boy Scout Oath, Law, Motto and Slogan.
The Mission Statement of the Boy Scouts of America explains the goal for producing an Eagle Scout. It states, "The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical choices over their life times by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law."
The Scout Oath and Scout Law are memorized by every boy scout and explain the goals an Eagle Scout intends to live by. The Scout Oath states "On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight." The Scout Law states "A scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent."
The long trail to Eagle teaches the boy scout skills of camping, cooking, first aid, knot tying, lashing, physical fitness, hiking, swimming, leadership skills, and much more. To obtain Eagle a boy must earn at least 21 merit badges which teach citizenship and skills which often lead to hobbies and careers. The Scout Motto "Be Prepared" means that by learning these scout skills and earning merit badges, he is better prepared to handle the many challenges of life.
By participating in several service activities, helping with community projects, and being in charge of planning, developing, and showing effectiveness in his own Eagle Service Project, an Eagle shows that he is prepared to provide service to others and follow the Scout Slogan - "Do A Good Turn Daily."
It is estimated that only three of every one hundred boy scouts obtain the rank of Eagle. But once an Eagle, always an Eagle. Therefore an Eagle Scout is expected to set the example by following the Boy Scout Oath, Law, Motto and Slogan. Being an Eagle Scout is not only an honor, it is the responsibility of an Eagle to live up to the standards of the Boy Scouts throughout his life.