Importance of Consuming and Digesting
Our Bread Daily
by Brooks A. Harris
In "The Lord’s Prayer" we pray "... give us this day our daily bread ... ." The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the "Bread of Life," and if we eat of Him we will never die. We eat of Jesus when we truly accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Whenever we read the Bible, hear His word, or pray to God we are spiritually consuming Jesus. As we study and meditate on His word, we are spiritually digesting Him. Since we must also eat food daily to live well, "Our Daily Bread" can also mean physical food as well as spiritual food.
Here are some dual meanings of the physical vs. spiritual aspects of "Our Daily Bread." What happens if we do not eat? If we do not eat every day we will slowly begin to die (physically and spiritually). At first we may begin to hurt inside because our body is not getting what it needs (physically and spiritually). When we are hungry we know we must eat to regain strength (physically and spiritually). When we skip meals it makes it harder to concentrate (mentally and spiritually) and we begin to get irritable and restless, letting little things bother us, and we do not act as we should.
To keep growing properly (physically and spiritually), we need to eat every day. Doctors tell us it is better for us to eat small portions a few times per day than to eat only one big meal per day. It is also better to pray, read and/or hear God’s word (keeping in touch with God) several times per day than just once per day. Eating small amounts several times per day makes it easier to digest what we have taken in. It also helps regulate our metabolism or energy (physically and spiritually).
So take time every day throughout the day to eat the "Bread of Life" and drink of the "Living Water" (Jesus). Read your Bible, listen to Biblical programs, and talk with God every day as much as possible. Keep in touch with God as much as you can and see how well and how fast you grow (spiritually).