Evolution teaches that dinosaurs lived millions of years before man. But science and the Bible show us that they lived at the same time. There is much evidence which indicates that man has seen and had encounters with living dinosaurs. There are also many accounts which show that dinosaurs are not quite extinct.
Ancient man often painted and carved the typical things that they saw. Amazingly, this even included the dinosaurs.
The Acambaro Figures
Thousands of clay dinosaur figures have been found buried in Acambaro, Mexico. How could ancient man have made such accurate models of dinosaurs unless they had seen them? Several of the artifacts showed certain facts about the dinosaurs that we have only recently discovered.
Out of the more than 56,000 objects found, scientists have identified dinosaurs such as the duck billed Trachodon, Gorgosaurus, horned Monoclonius, Ornitholestes, Titanosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Diplodicus, Podokosaurus, Plesiosaur, Iguanodon, Brachiosaurus, Pteranodon, Dimetrodon, Ichtyornis, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and many more!
Ica Stones
Just about every known kind of dinosaur is carved on 50,000 Nazca stones in Peru. Rediscovered in the 1960's, there are thousands of burial stones from Ica, Peru which clearly show pictures of men living with dinosaurs.
It is recorded in historical documents that, in 1562, Spain had received several black stones with etchings of "monsters" on them from present day Ica, Peru. The black "varnish" on each of the rocks results from bacteria that adhere to the rock over thousands of years. This shows that the stones are ancient and not fakes.
Several Ica Stones can be found on display at http://www.dinosauradventureland.com./ Also check out Dennis Swift’s book, "Secrets of the Ica Stones and Nazca Lines" for more info!
China’s Year of the ...
1500 years ago, during the North Zhou Dynasty in China, they picked 12 animals to represent a period of twelve years. These animals were the horse, ram, rooster, dog, pig, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake and monkey.
Why would they pick eleven modern animals but put in another animal (a dragon) that according to evolution, they would not have seen?
The Ishtar Gate
In 1887, archaeologist Robert Koldeway rediscovered the Ishtar Gate at Babylon. The animals on it appear in alternating rows with lions, fierce bulls, and curious long-necked dragons. The lions and bulls would have been present at that time in the Middle East. But, on what creature did the ancient Babylonians model the dragon? Could they have seen these dragons themselves?
Other examples
Coins have been found which display dinosaurs as from Austria, Vienna (1308-1330 AD) and a Germany, Mansfeldt coin (1593 AD) showing St. George slaying a dragon. Also dinosaur petroglyphs by the Anasazi Indians (AD 400-1300) have been found in Blanding, Utah. Figures of dinosaurs have also been found on artifacts such as an ancient cloth belt from Peru. In Jan. 2006, Dr. Dennis Swift found the relief of a dinosaur at a temple built in the jungles of Cambodia in 1150 AD by the Khmere.
Ancient Stories
There are many stories around the world from many cultures about dragons. For example, Marco Polo lived in China for 17 years around 1271 AD. He reported that the emperor raised dragons to pull his chariots in parades. In 1611 AD, the emperor appointed the post of a "Royal Dragon Feeder". Books even tell of Chinese families raising dragons to use their blood for medicines and they highly prized their eggs.
Dinosaurs Still Alive?
There are many accounts around the world that indicate that dinosaurs are not quite extinct.
In 1907 Lt-Colonel Percy Fawcett of the British Army was sent to mark the boundaries between Brazil and Peru. He was an officer in the Royal Engineers and was well known as a meticulous recorder of facts. In the Beni Swamps, he saw an animal he believed to be a Diplodocus.
The Likouala swamp in the Congo is about the same size as the entire state of Florida! Most of it is unexplored jungle and swamp. The Pygmy of Congo, Africa, claim to have killed one of these (Sauropod) creatures.
Forty-two year veteran missionary, Eugene Thomas (retired) had two pygmies in his church in the Congo, Africa that claimed to have killed a Mokele-Mbembe (a sauropod) in 1959.
The Loch Ness Monster
The Loch Ness body of water is 24 miles long by 1-1.5 miles wide, surrounded by steep hills. It was mostly isolated until 1933, when a road was cut into the mountainside. Operation Deepscan in 1987 showed that the lake topography has many ridges, deep trenches, and possible underwater caves where a creature could still evade detection.
"There were 52 separate sightings in 1933 alone by individuals or groups who were willing to go on record as having seen something big and unidentifiable in the loch." (In Search of Myths and Monsters by Alan Landsburg, p.52)
Most sightings report a creature with plesiosaur features.
Alexander Cambell claims to have seen "Nessie" (a supposed Plesiosaur) 18 times in 47 years as water bailiff (game warden) for Loch Ness. (Time-Life Mysterious Creatures)
See much more at websites below.
From Part 3 of Dr. Kent Hovind’s Creation Science Seminar on Dinosaurs & the Bible and from the posters Dinosaurs with Man and Dinosaurs with Man II by Creation Science Evangelism, 29 Cummings Road, Pensacola, FL 32503 1-877-479-3466 www.drdino.com
For more information on this subject read the following articles:
answersingenesis.org/articles/1999/11/05/dinosaurs-and -the-bible for "Dinosaurs and the Bible" (6 pages)
apologeticspress.org/articles/3647 "What Happened to the Dinosaurs?" (6 pages)
apologeticspress.org/articles/15 "Walking Amidst the Dinosaurs" (15 pages)