Compromising Creation with Evolution
Christians are often tempted to accept the compromise positions of "theistic evolution"or "progressive creationism", where evolution is viewed as God’s method of creation. But to make evolution fit into the story of creation, you have to question God’s word and reinterpret what the Bible says about creation.
In the pamphlet called "Evolution - Fact or Fiction?" by James L. Melton, he has a section entitled "What About Theistic Evolution". He states that "In the Bible, God is the Creator of all things (Gen. 1). In evolution, natural chance can account for the existence of all things. In the Bible, all life forms are created in six literal days (Gen.1). In evolution, life forms evolve over millions of years. In the Bible, creation has been completed (Gen.2:3). In evolution, a natural creative process continues. In the Bible, oceans appear before land (Gen. 1:9). In evolution, land appears first. In the Bible, life begins on land (Gen. 1:11). In evolution, life begins in water. In the Bible, the earth is made before the sun, moon, and stars (Gen. 1:14-19). In evolution, the earth comes later. In the Bible, all stars are made on the forth day (Gen. 1:16). In evolution, the stars evolve at various times. In the Bible, birds and fishes are created on the fifth day (Gen. 1:20, 21). In evolution, fishes evolve hundreds of millions of years before birds. In the Bible, man appears before rain (Gen. 2:5). In evolution, rain appears before man. In the Bible, man is created before woman (Gen. 2:21-22). In evolution, woman genetically appears before man. In the Bible, light appears before the sun (Gen. 1:3-19; Psa. 74:16). In evolution, the sun appears before any light. In the Bible, plants appear before the sun (Gen. 1:11-19). In evolution, the sun appears first. In the Bible, the human body comes from dirt (Gen. 2:7). In evolution, the human body evolves from monkeys. In the Bible, man exercises dominion over all organisms (Gen. 1:28). In evolution, most organisms become extinct before man evolves. In the Bible, man is originally a vegetarian (Gen. 1:29). In evolution, man is originally a meat eater. In the Bible, life comes in fixed and distinct "kinds" (Gen. 1:11, 12, 21, 24, 25; Cor. 15:38-39). In evolution, life forms are in a continual state of flux. In the Bible, man’s sin is the cause of death (Rom. 5:12). In evolution, struggle and death exist long before man evolves."
So if you are a Christian does it really matter if you believe in evolution? Evolution and creation are both religions; both require faith to believe in their theories. Since evolution lacks scientific evidence to support it, and science strongly supports creation, it takes more faith to believe in evolution than creation. Therefore if you believe in evolution, you are believing in and supporting some idea that science indicates did not even happen.