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Sunday, October 24, 2010

CHRIST PALS Resources For Churches

C.H.R.I.S.T. P.A.L.S.
Christians Helping to Restore the Importance of Scriptural Teachings
by Providing Affordable Literature and Scripture

C.H.R.I.S.T. P.A.L.S. is a not-for-profit group of Christians who are interested in spreading God’s word by inexpensive means making it easier for churches and ministries to educate their people.



Inexpensive "The GIFT - New Testament Bible" available at http://www.holmanbibleoutreach.org/ )
For $0.99 each (plus shipping). Good for new believers with a 30 day devotional, teaching what it means to be a Christian plus other helpful sections.


These informational and inspirational articles, compiled by Dr. Brooks A. Harris, will help people build a solid Christian foundation - first by showing them overwhelming evidence for the existence of God and the reliability of the Bible - to restore trust in the Bible, then by teaching them Biblical lessons on how we should live.

BLOGSITE- Read over 150 articles on several topics at http://biblicalreliability.blogspot.com./

FREE CD - Read over 150 articles on several topics & a PowerPoint Presentation on Dr. Harris’ "Evidence for Biblical Reliability & A Christian World View" CD

FREE CD - Listen to an Audio Presentation on the overwhelming amount of evidence for the reliability of the Bible, for God’s existence, for God as the Creator, for why Christianity versus other religions, to explain why God allows suffering and supposed contradictions in the Bible, etc. See Dr. Harris’ "Evidence For Biblical Reliability & Why To Believe" CD.


Brochures & Tracts discussing Christian World View topics for display to make available, free of charge, to the general public and / or to church congregations. For a list of available (free or inexpensive) pamphlets, sample packets, and other resources, contact the organizations below:

By Gospel Tract and Bible Society, P.O. Box 700, Moundridge, Kansas 67107.

By James L. Melton @ Bible Baptist Church, 125 E. Maple, Sharon, TN 38255.

LIFE/DEATH card with Roman Road provided by Florida Baptist Convention
Call 1-800-226-8584 ext. 3098 for 10 cards free or 500 cards for $30


Available on folded strips of paper in Blessing Jars for the general public to read & share. These Scriptures in Blessing Jars is an idea of "Blessing House Ministries" founded by Judy Groenke as a way to spread God’s word to the general public through churches and businesses.

To start your own Blessing Jars ministry, have someone type several Scriptures from the Bible. The Scriptures should go all the way across the page and have 1 or 2 spaces between Scriptures to leave room to cut the Scriptures into strips. ( Scripture from the King James Version can be copied without copyright infringements. Be creative - use Scriptures on different topics to be used in Jars for special people groups as teenagers, the elderly, mothers, men, teachers. These make great gifts, too. ) Use your original copy as your Master copy. Then offer to churches and businesses a copy of your Master copy to use as a Master copy for themselves. Either have the business owner or a representative from your organization be responsible to copy, cut, & fold Scriptures and keep the Blessing Jars full in churches and businesses.