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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Early Intelligence of Man

Early Intelligence of Man

For many years, biblical critics have doubted the existence of writing before the time of Moses. This is one of the reasons given for not believing that Moses wrote the first few books of the Bible. These critics teach that the original books of the Bible were written much later and just attributed to Moses.

Archaeologists, however, have unearthed an ancient library in the city of Ur. This library contains thousands of stone "books". Ur of Chaldees was Abraham’s home before he moved to Canaan, and some of these stone books were written even before Abraham’s day. These books consist of both scholarly subjects and books that an ordinary tradesman would read. This was at least 4,000 years ago and a full 1,000 years before Moses was born.

If the common man on the street of 4,000 years ago could read and write, why should we doubt that a highly educated man like Moses could have compiled the accounts from Adam to Abraham into the first book of the Bible? Jesus Christ accepted and confirmed that Moses wrote the first books of the Bible. To believe otherwise is to doubt what we find in archaeology, the authority of the Bible, and Jesus Himself.1

The Bible says man was created in the image of God. He was made from the start as a creative, intelligent, and rational being. Evolutionists believe that either random chance mutations turned a primitive apelike creature into man or (if they are theists) that God used random chance mutations to change some sort of apelike creature into a man. What does archaeology tell us? Consider just a few examples:

1. Mayans used advanced mathematics to calculate the exact length of a year to within 99.98% of the modern value.
2. Relics from ancient Egypt dating back to around 2500 B.C. were found electroplated.
3. Chinese weapons dating back over 2,000 years were found treated with a preservative that prevented corrosion.
4. Travel between continents took place thousands of years ago. Ancients maps and stone monuments inscribed with ancient languages attest to this.
5. On the remote and barren Easter Island, 2,300 miles off the coast of Chile, there are massive 180,000 pound sculptures of human heads smoothly carved from iron-hard volcanic rock.

These and many other archaeological discoveries indicate that ancient man had a keen understanding of astronomy, mathematics, and engineering. Also, evidences of medicines, surgery, and the use of electricity indicate man’s intelligence from the beginning of his existence.2

Many people look at the accomplishments of modern man and assume that the enormous advance in technology over the last few centuries are indicators of increasing human intelligence. This idea is propagated by evolutionists who portray early man as a hairy, bent over, unintelligent beast. In contrast to this perception are the factual archaeological finds of the earliest human civilizations, revealing that mankind has always been highly intelligent and resourceful. For instance:

1. Some ancient skulls reveal that successful brain surgery was performed by the ancient Inca people of South America.
2. Silk cloth has been found with designs printed 3,000 years before Gutenburg invented the printing press.
3. The Aztecs of Mexico (2000 B.C. to 900 A.D.) monitored the orbit of Venus closely and integrated a calendar with the cycles of Venus.
4. Unbelievably precise calculations went into building the Great Pyramid of Egypt. This single structure contains more quarried stone than all of the cathedrals and churches in England. Some 4,000 years ago engineers were moving cut stones (each weighing up to 100 tons) from 60 miles away.
5. Ancient Egyptian battery cells (made from clay vessels) show that mankind has known about and made use of electricity for thousands of years.

There can be no doubt that mankind was created with unique intelligence and abilities from the very start.3

This article is a compilation of three entries (Feb. 6, Nov. 10 & 12) on the subject of "Evidence From Archaeology" taken from the book, A Closer Look At The Evidence, by Richard & Tina Kleiss.4 Although this amazing book contains evidence, researched from over 70 expert sources, for the existence of a Creator, for the reliability of the Holy Bible, and for the trustworthiness of Christianity, the information in this article all came from two sources: (Feb. 6) from the book, The Bible has the Answer, another amazing book, by Henry M. Morris and Martin E. Clark, and (Nov. 10 & 12) from the book, Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation, Premier Edition, by Dennis R. Peterson.

1. The Bible has the Answer, Henry M. Morris, Ph. D., LL.D., Litt.D. and Martin E. Clark, Ph.d., Creation - Life Publishers, Master Books, El Cajon, CA 1987. p. 66.

2. Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation, Premier Edition, Dennis R. Peterson, Creation Research Pub., El Dorado, CA, 2002. p. 176-225.

3. Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation, Premier Edition, Dennis R. Peterson, Creation Research Pub., El Dorado, CA, 2002. p. 176-225.

4. A Closer Look At The Evidence, Richard L. & Christina (Tina) E. Kleiss, Search for the Truth Pub., Midland, MI.