Only God can Form a Basis for Truth
By Bruce Malone
If ultimate truth exists, this truth must have a basis outside of human opinion. If we are creations, then there is a Creator. If we have a Creator, He has authority over us as an author has the ultimate authority to interpret his own writing. Finite human opinion can never create absolute truth. An enormous number of opinions can never add up to absolute truth. Only a source of moral truth which is outside of ourselves can provide a sufficient basis for morality. Absolute truth can only exist if an ultimate being (God) exists. Therefore, as belief in a Creator declines, belief in absolute truth also declines. The two are irrevocably connected. This is one reason Jesus emphasized that he is "the Truth."1 The texts do not imply that he knew, told, or revealed the truth. Rather, Jesus explicitly stated that he literally is truth. The history of mankind is the history of how humans have responded to God as the source of absolute truth.
The primary reason we see such a concerted effort to remove all references of God from public life is not to protect the constitution of the United States. God is under attack to undermine His authority as the absolute source of truth upon which our government was founded.
Whenever God’s word, the Bible, is rejected as the absolute source of truth, people’s opinions become their own source of absolute truth. This is why ‘tolerance’ has become the most valued and treasured virtue within society. This is not the tolerance which considers and values the opinions of others as those opinions are weighted against an absolute standard. This new ‘tolerance’ demands that everyone’s morals be considered of equal validity and that no absolute truth exists.
The new tolerance sounds kind and compassionate, but really just trades one absolute belief (that God exists and has revealed the moral order of the universe through the Bible) with another absolute (that man can set his own rules of right and wrong). Furthermore, this new "tolerance" mercilessly persecutes anyone who would dare suggest that someone may be wrong or sinful.
Our government and legal system were based on the absolute moral truth defined by the one who claimed to literally be "the truth". This foundation produced a nation of the greatest economic and social freedom in the history of the world. The other current absolute belief, that every opinion is of equal value and equally true, has its justification in evolution and produced such social disasters as Communism, Marxism, Fascism, and Nazi Germany.
The whole idea that multiple truths can coexist is totally flawed logic. Truth, by definition, means that other possibilities are not true! Whenever Biblical truths and morals are rejected, an oppressive government must step in to enforce some other set of arbitrary standards.
1 The Bible, John 14:6; John 18:37; John 5:33; John 1:14
A complete set of articles examining science and reality from a Christian perspective can be found at and in the book Search for the Truth by Bruce Malone.
A complete set of articles examining science and reality from a Christian perspective can be found at and in the book Search for the Truth by Bruce Malone.