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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Comparison of Origins Theories

Summary of the "Creative Views of Science - Origins Lecture"

The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Life evolved from non-living matter (spontaneous generation) in a primordial soup of chemicals by accidental, random chance.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
First life was created by an Intelligent Designer or Creator. Life only comes from previous life.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
No spontaneous generation - life always comes from previous life. Genetic Code far too complex to have occurred by chance.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Since proteins are simpler than DNA, proteins had to evolve long before DNA developed.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Organisms were created complex and completely formed, therefore proteins and DNA were created together at the same time.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Protein is only made by DNA, and DNA is made up of proteins. Both had to have been together at the same time to exist.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
All living things gradually evolved from very simple organisms to very complex ones.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
All living things were created complex, organized and completely formed.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Fossils of simple organisms have been found to be very complex, organized, & completely formed.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
There should be many transitional forms of organisms, living and fossilized, between all organism kinds.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Fossils should show a great variety of organisms suddenly appearing without transitional forms between organisms.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Transitional forms of organisms, living or fossilized, are lacking. Fossil records show organisms completely formed - not part one organism & part another.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Organisms should have evolved from one kind of organism into another completely new kind with many varieties at different stages between the two kinds.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Many varieties of each kind of organism should be found within their own kind, as different dog species, but no one kind turning into another, as lizards to birds.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
There are many different varieties within each kind of organism, but only "like" kinds can reproduce with each other and they do not make new kinds. Dogs stay dogs.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Fish evolved into amphibians which evolved into reptiles which evolved into birds and mammals.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Each organism was created as that organism - completely formed and properly functioning.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
There are vast differences in the structure and genetic make-up of each organism kind making this evolutionary process impossible.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Many mutations would be required to allow each organism to evolve into a new organism.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Mutations would be harmful to organisms making them defective and less likely to survive.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Better than 99% of mutations are harmful to organisms usually causing them to die out.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Very complex systems and structures would have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications in the anatomy of existing organisms.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Complex systems and structures would have been created complete & functioning properly when each organism was created in the very beginning.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Incomplete, non-functioning systems in mutating organisms would be a hindrance and a disadvantage to the organism making it less likely to survive.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
First appearance of man was millions of years ago.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Man first appeared a few thousand years ago.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Oldest written records date back only about 5000 years. At a 0.5% growth rate, the present human population could have been reached in only 4000 to 5000 years. (Imagine the population of man in over one million years).
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Civilization gradually arose from crude, ignorant, ape-like, brutish beings.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Man was fully formed, intelligent and civilized from the very beginning.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Archaeological findings indicate that man was civilized from the first remains of man.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Language evolved from simple animal sounds into complex modern languages.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Man was created with the ability to communicate intelligently with a complex language.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Language appears to have been contemporaneous with man; ancient languages were often more complex that modern ones.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Should find fossils of many creatures at different stages of evolving from ape to man.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Should find fossils of apes and fossils of men but no ape-men.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
So far nearly all reports of findings of assumed transitional ape-men have been found to be mistakes or hoaxes.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Several billion years ago nothing existed then there was a "Big Bang" which caused all the stars, sun, and eventually planets.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
The universe, including earth, was created just a few thousand years ago - fully formed.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Most modern dating methods indicate that the earth and universe are only a few to several thousand years old.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Since the ‘Big Bang," the universe has evolved into an orderly mass of cosmic systems.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
The universe should be slowly deteriorating and wearing down since its creation.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Evidence shows that the entire universe is slowly deteriorating and becoming less organized.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
Rock layers were laid down on the earth about one layer per year for millions of years. Organisms died and fossilized through time.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Most rock layers and fossils around the world were laid down by the results of a world-wide flood a few thousand years ago.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
We find billions of dead things fossilized in rock layers which appear to have been laid down by water all around the world.
The Theory of Evolution Predicts:
By looking at the rock layers that fossils are found in, we can figure out how long ago different organisms lived. The deeper the fossils, the older they are. Rocks are also dated by the kind of fossils found in them.
The Theory of Creation Predicts:
Fossils would only indicate where an organism died, not when it lived, since most multilayered sedimentary rock layers were laid down quickly during the flood and later catastrophes scattering organisms throughout layers.
The Scientific Evidence Indicates:
Since organisms must be buried deeply and quickly to become fossilized, large items as vertical trees and whales were obviously covered by thousands of layers quickly along with many other organisms at the same time.
See Web Articles on Science in the article "Evidence for Biblical Reliability" on this blog.