Do you believe in heaven and hell, or do you believe that death itself is the ultimate end and that there is nothing beyond earthly death? If heaven and hell are real places, are you prepared and looking forward to heaven or are you prepared to accept the consequences of an eternal life in hell? If you do not believe or you are not sure if you are ready to go yet, don’t you think you should at least find out what heaven and hell are supposed to be like and how to get there? The Bible paints beautiful pictures of heaven which are full of hope, peace, love, and contentment. Equally impressive are the warnings of hell’s existence. I hope the following information will convince you to put your faith in Jesus as your savior so you can rreap the rewards of heaven and avoid the torment of hell.
In Henry M. Morris and Martin E. Clark’s book "The Bible Has the Answer" they state that Gehenna, also called "the Lake of Fire", will be an eternal abode where the unsaved will experience a conscious existence utterly separated from God and His love. (Answers p312 & 316) Since while on earth they preferred independence from God, ignoring His way and going their own way, they will now receive only that which they desired and deserved - eternal separation from God. (Answers p314)
This "Lake of Fire" is the ultimate and eternal hell, everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. It will not be on this present earth, but will be somewhere far removed from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power. The flames of the fiery lake will burn without light, because it is the place of outer darkness. It will be a place of unending corruption and wickedness, and a place where rest is impossible. The resurrected bodies of the unsaved, though presumably subject to pain, will not be consumed by this vast furnace of fire. It is possible that the lake of fire will be some far-distant, massive body of burning gases at the edge of the universe. (Answers p314) As terrible as hell sounds to us, it is said that unbelievers will actually be less miserable in hell than if they were forced to go to heaven, since they have shown that they do not want Lord Jesus’ presence or authority in their lives. (Answers p346)
Now that all evil has been sent to eternal hell and removed from earth and God’s presence, God is ready to destroy all signs of the old wicked world. When it became wicked in Noah’s days God destroyed the earth by water, but this time He will purge it with a world-wide fire. Afterwards God will recreate a new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem. In "World Aflame" by Billy Graham, he states that everything in respect to heaven will be new. It is described as a new creation in which we shall move in new bodies, possessed of new names, singing new songs, living in a new city, governed by a new form of government, and challenged by new prospects of eternity. The paradise that man lost will be regained, but it will be much more. It will be a new paradise, not the old one repaired and made over. (WA p233) Finally the ancient separation of heaven and earth (caused by Adam’s sin) will be no more, for "the dwelling of God [will be] with men" again (Rev. 21:3).
God’s first creation took six days, but when Jesus ascended into heaven 2000 years ago, He said He was going in order to prepare a place for us, a place with many mansions which could mean many homes, or possibly even many planets to visit. (WA p234) Billy Graham states that "When we get to heaven we will not be limited to one particular place. The universe will be our empire. And what is true of space is true of what we now call time, for time will be succeeded by eternity, and we will move on into the endless eons of the future, exploring the endless reaches of the universe. Heaven will be as expansive as the universe itself. It will be as wonderful and beautiful as only the creator God can make it. Everything for your personal happiness and enjoyment is being prepared. Every longing and every desire will have perfect fulfillment." (WA p236) Heaven will have many opportunities for endless adventure and abundant creative living. (WA p234)
Hank Hanegraaff, in his book "The Bible Answer Book", says that heaven will be a place of continuous learning, growth, and development. He also states that we will never come to an end of exploring the Creator’s creative handiwork. The universe literally will be our playground. Even if we were capable of exhausting the "new heaven and new earth" (Rev. 21:1), God could create brand new vistas for us to explore. He also asks, Will heaven be perfect? Absolutely. Will it be boring? Absolutely not! Far from being dead and dull, heaven will be an exhilarating, exciting experience that will never come to an end.
Morris and Clark state that "Just as man, when first created, was given responsibility over the earth, so will redeemed men be given the privilege of serving God and ruling over the new creation. It will not be a place of eternal idleness." (Answers p347) Billy Graham also noted that "Heaven is not all rest. It is labor, adventure, excitement, employment, and engagement. Concerning the people in heaven, the Scripture says that ‘His servants shall serve Him’. It will be much like the present life with labor and leisure, but missing all the imperfections that have destroyed the full and true meaning of life". (WA p233-234)
"Heaven will be the perfection we have always longed for. All the things that made earth unlovely and tragic will be absent in heaven. There will be no night, no death, no disease, no sorrow, no tears, no ignorance, no disappointment, no war. It will be filled with health, vigor, virility, knowledge, happiness, worship, love, and perfection. Heaven will be more modern and up to date than any of the present-day constructions of man. Heaven will be a place to challenge the creative genius of man." (WA p237) "In the book of Revelation, John pictures it as having trees, flowing fountains, fruits, robes, palms, music, crowns, precious stones, gold, light, colors of the rainbow, water, knowledge, friendship, love, holiness, and the presence of God and His Son." (WA 237 & 238)
So are you ready to meet Jesus if He should come today? In many places, the Bible warns us to be ready. Since we cannot know the exact time of His arrival, we must be patient, for it will come to pass. We should wait with anticipation, looking forward to His arrival. (WA p211) To the Christian, the coming of Christ will be a glorious moment. To those outside of Christ, it will be the greatest of all calamities, a tragic separation, an unbelievable disappointment. But to those who are ready, what a glorious consummation. (WA p212) So, are you ready?
So how do you get to heaven? Unfortunately the path is narrow and only a few will make it. But due to God’s love, mercy, and grace anyone who truly desires can make it. "There is only one way to heaven, Jesus says: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.’" (WA p239-240) As we are seeing, the signs of the end times are upon us, and we never know when we might die, therefore we must be prepared now. So to enter heaven you must sincerely ask God to forgive you of your sins (be honest since He knows your sincerity) then ask that the Holy Spirit come into your heart to guide you, and honestly accept Jesus as your personal savior, and truly try to live by God’s laws. Take time to learn more about God and Jesus - read the Holy Bible, talk to other Christians, and pray daily.