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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Do You Have Faith?

Do You Have Faith?
by Brooks Harris

A few years ago I questioned whether God really existed. I would tell different preachers and other religious leaders that I am a very scientific person and I am used to scientifically proving things. So I would ask them "Can you prove that God exist?" They would always tell me something like "No I can not, you just have to believe by faith." This never satisfied me. You could say that my faith was weak or non-existent. I eventually found that this was far from the truth.

I began to realize that I had faith, plenty of it. I have strong faith in many things. You see we all have faith. We use our faith every day. Actually it would be virtually impossible to live without faith. Whenever you get in a car or sit in a chair, you have faith that they are not going to fall apart while you are using them. You also have faith that cars in the opposing traffic are not going to cross over into your lane and hit you. Every time you come to a traffic light you have faith that all the lights won’t be green at the same time causing tie ups in traffic or accidents. So do you thoroughly inspect the car or chair to make sure they are in good working order before each use? Do you avoid sitting in chairs or riding in cars or avoid driving on streets which have opposing lanes of traffic or have traffic lights? I am sure that I can safely say that your answer is "NO." Why? Because you have seen plenty of evidence to sufficiently prove to yourself that you can trust the reliability of such things. So it is not unreasonable for us to have faith in things which we cannot absolutely prove.

Now you might be thinking, "What has this got to do with faith in God?" Isn’t faith in God just a blind faith, and isn’t it unreasonable to believe in God without proof? What I discovered is that even though I had a problem believing in God (whom I could not prove), I had no problem believing in other ideas which I could not prove. You see, I was brought up believing that all of nature happened by accident through random chance processes. I was made to believe that this was fact and there was no need to question it. But once I began questioning the many ideas that I was led to believe and started looking for evidence to support these ideas, I quickly found that for many years my faith was in the wrong things. I found that nearly all of our modern up-to-date scientific findings drastically support a reasonable faith in God and His creation.

Although I studied these findings for several years, it was quite evident to me, within a few weeks, that the scientific findings of the past century overwhelmingly support the existence, brilliant creativity, awesome power, and mind-boggling intelligence of God. These highly researched and published findings support the idea that elements and organisms and systems in nature had to have been designed. It has been virtually proven, beyond the shadow of any doubt, through laws of probability, biochemistry, cellular biology, and other fields of study that every living organism is far too complex and far too organized to have come about by accidental, random, chance processes. Also from our studies concerning the fossil record, embryology, comparative anatomy, as well as the indescribable complexity and organization of living creatures, we see that each one testifies to the creative genius of God that passes all understanding.

Noone can prove any theory of origins by the scientific method since it all occurred before man existed to observe it happening and too many unknown factors of the ancient past make experiments on ancient past items unreliable. So to believe in any unprovable idea you will have to believe by faith. To believe that God does not exist also requires a great deal of faith since such a belief disagrees with the existing evidence. Therefore to me it makes much better sense to put my faith in what the scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports. It is very unwise and foolish to say that you believe in something or that you do not believe in something without thoroughly researching the evidences which support each view. In the case of whether or not to believe in God, you must also understand the consequences of your choice in what to believe. If God does not exist and there is no existence after our death on earth, then you can live however you please without any eternal consequences. But if God does exist you will be judged for your unbelief and sentenced to eternal separation from God with all other unbelievers in hell or you will be accepted for your faithful belief in God and live eternally with God in God’s heavenly kingdom. So research the scientific, historic, and prophetic evidences for God and the Bible and carefully choose where you put your faith.