1. If systems in nature are left alone, over time they become less organized, less complex, and lose genetic information by deterioration and mutation. Why does evolution require the opposite?
2. If radiometric dating methods are supposed to be accurate, why do the results of several testings of the same sample often vary by millions of years? Why do testings of samples known to be only a few years old often show thousands to millions of years old with these methods?
3. Why does radioactive decay of microscopic bits of minerals in rock crystals indicate that Jurassic, Triassic, and Eocene formations were deposited within months of one another instead of hundreds of thousands of years apart as evolutionists assume?
4. How do you explain undecomposed, vertically-positioned, fossilized trees in many rock layers and coal beds, if sedimentary rock was laid down, around the trees, over several thousand years?
5. How do you explain the frequent findings of fossils of complex creatures, supposedly out of place, in deep layers of rock where only fossils of simple, much more "primitive" creatures should be found ( in areas where there is no evidence of erosion or over thrusting)?
6. If cell organelles can not live outside the cell, and protein and DNA can not survive without each other, how did these structures survive to form the first living cells?
7. According to the "Laws of Probability" is evolution even theoretically possible?
8. If nearly all mutations are harmful and result in a loss of genetic information (and often death), and it would have taken thousands of mutations for each creature to have evolved, how have any inferior creatures gained genetic information to evolve into more complex creatures?
9. If millions of organisms evolved into different kinds of organisms over millions of years, why haven’t scientists found any indisputable transitional organisms between organism kinds?
10. If "Survival of the Fittest" weeds out weak, mutated, defective creatures, how would mutated transitional creatures, half-way between two different creatures (as between a reptile and a bird), out run their predators and / or prey and out live their non-defective relatives?
11. If evolution is true and all animals evolved from other similar animals, what did the Duck-billed Platypus evolve from?
12. If the present human population could have been reached in only 4,000 to 5,000 years at a growth rate of 0.5% (currently >1%) per year, then what would the population be in one million years, which is the evolutionary estimate of the existence of humans?
13. If each race of people has been evolving separately for hundreds of thousands of years, as evolutionists suggest, we would expect wide variations in their genes, so why aren’t there?
14. How can evolutionists explain the fact that virtually every tribe and nation on earth has a flood story similar to the world-wide flood story found recorded in an ancient book called the Bible?
15. How can you explain the fact that basically all fossil evidence for the evolution of "Ape to Man" have been proved to be either ape or human and not ape-man?
16. If the earth is billions of years old, then why is there not nearly enough mud on the sea floor or sodium in the sea from erosion, or enough helium in the atmosphere to support long ages?
Why is the earth’s magnetic field decaying too fast, at present rate, to be over 10,000 years old?
17. Could the many thousands of layers of sedimentary rock, as seen in the Grand Canyon, have been formed quickly in a similar way as the six hundred feet of layered sedimentary rock that was laid down in less than one year by the relatively small Mt. St. Helen’s volcanic eruption?
18. If rock layers seen in canyons and mountains took thousands to millions of years to form, why are the layers level and uniform in thickness, instead of irregular from expected plant and animal activity and long-term erosion?