Dear God, Creator of all things, I humbly come before You. I praise You for Your almighty power, Your complete knowledge of all things, and Your magnificent grace, mercy, and love. I worship You and only You as the One and only true God. Thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus, who came to earth to teach us of Your true character and Your overwhelming love for us. Jesus, thank You for making Your heavenly kingdom available to those of us who believe in Your word. Thank You too for the ultimate sacrifice You paid for us by dying on the cross for our sins. Thank You for the hope and promise of an eternal life which You have provided us through Your resurrection and ascension.
Thank You, Lord, for all the many gifts and blessings You have bestowed upon me throughout my life. Thanks for answering my prayers according to Your will. Thank You for continuing to provide miracles in our lives. Thank You for watching over me, guiding me, and protecting me in the past, today, and in the future. Thank You for allowing me to enjoy the many conveniences which I have in my life; I know many people in our nation and around the world are living everyday without these conveniences such as clean running water, plenty of food, indoor toilets with proper sanitation, the ability to stay comfortable with electricity and gas and a safe house to stay in. Please protect and comfort those in need of basic necessities.
Lord, I confess that I have not completely obeyed Your commandments. I have not given to the needy as a should, I have had improper thoughts toward others, I have not forgiven others for their wrong actions towards me. Lord, I know that noone is perfect except You, but we are to strive to be like You. So please Lord forgive me where I fail You and forgive me of my many sinful thoughts and actions and please help me to live by Your teachings.
Lord, there are many people in need of Your healing powers and comforting touch. I ask that You please be with those who are sick. Please comfort them and heal them as You see fit. Also I ask that You guide and give strength to their care givers: family and friends, doctors and nurses. Please comfort those who are suffering from different kinds of loss: deaths, crime, disasters, and accidents.
Lord, I ask that You guide all Christians to do whatever they can to obey Your commandment to share the gospel with all nations around the world. Please help us to be good Christian examples for others, to share our faith and testimonies with non-Christians as well as with other Christians, and to help support missions with our finances, works, and prayers. Please use us, Lord Jesus, as Your tools to reach the lost and unconcerned. I know that I can save noone, but I can lead others to You by sharing Your word.
I ask You, Lord, to also be with all the different leaders around the world. Please guide our political, spiritual, and military leaders as they make many important and difficult decisions. Lord, our children around the world truly need Your protection. I ask that You guide our church leaders and teachers, our school teachers and administrators, parents and concerned individuals to properly bring up the children in our society. Please empower Christians, through Your Holy Spirit, to stand up for what they believe and to renounce the filthiness and immorality which is now permeating our society.
Lord, I know I am powerless to change without You. I look forward to Your guidance in my spiritual growth. I truly want to live according to Your will, so please Lord Jesus give me wisdom to know Your will for my life. Please lead, guide and protect me now and for evermore.
In Your holy name I pray, Lord Jesus. Amen.