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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Websites for Biblical Reliability

By Brooks A. Harris

http://www.answersingenesis.org/ - AIG - Answers In Genesis - About 6000 articles under 53 topics such as Apologetics, Archaeology, Astronomy / Astrophysics, Bible, Cloning, Created kinds, Creation, Charles Darwin, Dinosaurs, The flood, Fossils, Genesis, Genetics, Geology, God, History, Human ancestry, Ice Age, Jesus, Mutations, Natural selection, Noah’s ark, Origin of life, Racism, Science, Speciation, Vestigial organs, and Young earth evidence, etc.

http://www.apologeticspress.org/ - Apologetics Press - over 1000 articles on topics as: accuracy of Biblical genealogies, situation ethics, answers to atheistic arguments against the Bible, alleged Biblical contradictions, scientific foreknowledge of the Bible, alleged proofs of evolution, dinosaurs and the Bible, scientific humanism, the Bible and the age of the earth.

http://www.basictruth.net/ - Articles on creation vs. evolution, theological issues and topics as salvation, the Sabbath, prophecy, the benefits of Christianity.

http://www.bible.ca/ -

http://www.bibleuniverse.com/ - Bible Universe - Biblical answers about finance, family, health, history, creation/evolution, lessons from space, fulfilled prophecy of Jesus’ first and second coming, the antichrist, misc. Bible and Bible prophecy.

http://www.christiananswers.net/ - many Questions answered about Jesus, hell, cults, Biblical reliability (truth, infallibility & accurateness of the Bible), how evolution & archaeology & astronomy relate to the Biblical reliability. The books of the Bible are explained. Video, audio & text of "God’s Story - from creation to eternity." Personal & social issues; Current movie reviews; Religions comparisons, & much more.

http://www.creationevidence.org/ -

http://www.creationresearch.org/ - Creation Science Fellowship -

http://www.creationism.org/ - Provides multiple links to creation groups around the world. Find newsletters, Articles, Magazines, Journals, Pictures and Graphs, Cartoons, Online books and MP3 downloads, Museums and Creation Centers.

http://www.creationmoments.com/ - Creation Moments - For over 700 articles go to: Resources > Article Library then select a category as Age of the Earth / Universe, Design in Creation, Evolution, Fossil Record, Genesis Flood, etc.

http://www.drdino.com/- Creation Science Evangelism - over 130 articles & many video hours on Astronomy, Bible contradictions, Biology, Cryptozoology, Dinosaurs, The flood, Fossils, Geology, Origins of life, and Radiometric dating.

http://www.equip.org/ - Click on "Need Answers?" for an alphabetical list of hundreds of topics and articles

http://www.evolution-facts.org/ - Thousands of scientific facts disproving every basic area of evolutionary theory. Extremely detailed explanations found in downloadable chapters of the "Evolution Handbook" and other guides.

http://www.family.org/ -

http://www.gnmagazine.org/ - The Good News - A Magazine of Understanding, by The United Church of God, proclaims the true gospel of Jesus Christ and reveals the Biblical solutions to problems that plague humanity today. Download for Free booklets on Archaeology, Is the Bible true?, Creation or Evolution, How to understand the Bible, Bible Prophecy, etc.

http://www.icr.org/ - Institute for Creation Research - over 500 articles on topics as Anthropology, Apologetics Bible, Archaeology, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Climatology, Creation and Creation Science, Darwinism, Design in Creation, Dinosaurs, Evolution and Compromise, Fossils, Genetics, Genome, Geology, Mutations, Noah’s Flood, Oceanography, Origins, RATE, Speciation / Kinds, Uniformitarianism.

http://www.lwf.org/ - Love Worth Finding with Adrian Rogers - see "Building Believers" for questions on Abuse, Biblical Issues, Christian Life, Divorce, Ethical and Family Issues, National and Social Issues, God's Will, Government and Politics, Holidays, Life After Death, Marriage, Parenting, Prophecy, Salvation, Suffering/Adversity, Witnessing.

http://www.rae.org/ - "After the Flood" book by Bill Cooper (entire book online - 256 pages) Several secular genealogical records from Europe and the Mid-East trace their lineage back to Noah and his sons.

http://www.rbc.net/ - Radio Bible Class Ministries, Good source for devotionals and Bible studies and answers tough questions about relationships, personal struggles, ethics, the paranormal, world religions, the Bible, Christianity, and God.

http://www.searchforthetruth.org/ - Search for the Truth - go to View Books and view Example Articles on Science, Biochemistry, Biology, Geology, Anthropology, Fossils, Physics, Age of the Earth, Genetics, Language, Prophecy, Archaeology, etc.

http://www.tccsa.tc/ - Twin Cities Creation Science Association - Under "Resources" see "Creation Links" for >75 creation and related web sites and organizations.