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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Consequences Of Believing In Evolution


The belief in evolution makes us question the authority and truth of the Bible and can make us go along with the popular delusion that the Bible is full of mistakes and is no longer relevant to our modern world. But I have found that the Bible is very relevant to every aspect of our lives. If we accept the theory of evolution, then man’s opinion becomes the authority of our origins, our early history, and even our moral and ethical issues instead of God being the absolute authority. If Biblical teachings and laws are ignored, then man’s opinions determine how to view our moral issues of what is right and wrong.

Evolutionary philosophy is what has supported anti-Christian and anti-God systems for centuries. The evolutionary approach to morality has caused harmful and degrading effects on the world and mankind through such leaders as Lenin, Hitler and Stalin. An evolutionary world view has no absolute morals about what is right and wrong. If there is no Creator, or ultimate authority, to set the rules, then it is left up to man to be the authority to decide our morals and ideas of what is right and wrong. These decisions are relative to each culture and each culture will have different definitions of what is right and wrong. Many issues then become controversial such as: How does society handle murder, stealing, adultery, abortion, pornography, homosexual behavior, etc.? The more a culture is convinced that there is no absolute right and wrong, ultimately, the more we can expect to see a rejection of the authority of the Bible and its proclaimed absolute values.

Hitler, for example, believed in the "survival of the fittest" evolutionary concept and man’s evolving from the ape. Hitler’s plan was to speed up the process of evolution so he could end up with what he considered to be the perfect "race" of people. He first got the German society to declare that the Jews were a sub-human race. Therefore they were to be exterminated first along with people thought to be non-productive as the gypsies, the mentally retarded, and the physically handicapped. Next he had planned to kill off the "black race" since in his evolutionary opinion they were less evolved, being closer in appearance to the apes from which he believed they evolved. This is where "racism" today often stems too.

Evolution promotes the idea that we are all just higher evolved "animals," therefore we are not specially created beings and life really has little meaning. This idea has catapulted such atrocities as bullying behavior leading to school shootings, abortions of unwanted babies (it is alright to kill unwanted kittens so why not unwanted kids), genocides of differing ethnic groups, euthanasia of the mentally ill to make room for other residents, and other such killings.

Many people are often tempted to accept the compromised position of "theistic evolution" where evolution is viewed as God’s method of creation. It is the idea that God created the basic elements and used evolution as His method of creating every living thing. But to make evolution fit into the "creation story," you have to question God’s Word and reinterpret what the Bible says about creation. The theory of evolution is based on many unprovable assumptions and modern scientific evidence has demonstrated many problems with this theory to the point that many of its ideas are totally wrong. So if evolution lacks scientific evidence to support it, those who believe in evolution are believing and supporting some idea that science indicates did not even happen. The theory of evolution could even be seen as an idol that man has chosen to believe in rather than believing God’s explanation of His creation. It is a sin to worship the created things of God instead of the Creator God Himself.

Belief in evolution also supports disbelief in God. It is the atheist’s explanation of our origins, they do not need to believe in God or His creation. It gives many people a reason for wanting God out of our schools. Our children are being taught a basically disproved theory (evolution) while being denied the opportunity to learn the overwhelming evidence against evolution and a theory (Intelligent Design &/or Creation) which is drastically supported by modern scientific evidence. Biblical teachings used to be taught heavily in schools and it was the main reason many early Americans sent their children to school (to learn to read the Bible and to learn its lessons). The more our society supports evolutionary ideas, the less they will support Biblical teachings and the more corruption our societies will endure.