By Brooks A. Harris
We are living in an age of advanced scientific discoveries. We believe that it is important to know the truth so we heavily research evidences to find the truth. Therefore you would think that our educational systems would be teaching the most up-to-date information available to our students. So why is much scientific evidence about the origins of natural things being suppressed and ignored by most educational systems around the world?
True scientific education should come from information learned through the thorough research of all available scientific evidences. Wisdom comes from learning all you can about a subject then analyzing this information. If you are only allowed to see information which supports only one view, you are ignorant to all other information. If someone chooses to only review information which fits their preconceived ideas and chooses to ignore other information which strongly supports a contradicting view, they are stupid. A good scientist or student will review all available evidence so he/she can make critically informed decisions. Should our children learn to think critically by giving them the opportunity to see and analyze scientific data from differing views or should they just continue to be taught and expected to memorize data from one view only? Teaching only one view and teaching it as "fact" vs. "theory only" and suppressing evidence which opposes their view is brainwashing and this is dangerous especially when the information is erroneous.
Many recent scientific discoveries have raised serious questions about the theory of Darwinian evolution, while at the same time giving birth to a theory called "Intelligent Design." Despite the compelling modern scientific evidence in support of the theory of intelligent design and the theory of creation, and despite the fact that most Americans want the evidence for and against (not just for) Darwin’s theory taught in schools, any questioning of Darwinism is systematically suppressed in nearly all academic and scientific communities. Schools should have the responsibility to teach the truth about the subjects they teach. If the information about a subject cannot be proven to be true, schools should have the responsibility to teach available evidence on each view. Before coming to any conclusion on any subject we must examine all, not just part of, the available evidence and facts.
To see how the theories of origins (the Theory of Evolution, Theory of Intelligent Design and the Theory of Creation) compare to modern scientific evidences, see articles entitled "Creative Views of Science - Origins Lecture - A Review of Scientific Theories on Origins," "Summary of Origins Theories," "Comparison of Origins Theories," and "25 Reasons to Doubt the Theory of Evolution."