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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I’m My Father’s Son

I’m My Father’s Son
by Brooks A. Harris
The older I become, the more I hear my father through my lips. When I was young I remember my father saying certain things or giving certain expressions. Now I find myself saying those very same things and giving the same expressions. Some things I’m proud of but others I’m not. I would never have thought I’d be so much like my father. Even other people who have known my father well will say that they see my father in me.

When I thought about this the other day, it made me think about my other Father. Do people see Him in me when I speak or in expressions I make? My heavenly Father has certainly influenced me in many ways and always in kind, thoughtful, helpful, loving ways. Do I imitate His words in my speech and actions? Can people tell I am one of His children? Would God be proud to admit that I am one of His own?

Do you know your Father God well enough to be accused of sounding like Him when you talk? Do you listen to Him in your prayers or through His written word? Do you have a strong relationship with your Father? He wants us to know Him well. He already knows each of us far more than we could imagine. Jesus Christ set the perfect example of how we should live and act and how we should talk. We are to strive to be like our Father’s only begotten and perfect Son. There is no greater complement than for someone to say "I can tell you are your Father’s son; you sound just like Him!"