A Symbolic Comparison
by Brooks A. Harris
A close look at the chapters of Genesis and Revelation indicate that they are symbolically a reverse sequence of events of each other. Since many Revelation prophecies appear to be in the process of being fulfilled, it makes you wonder how close we are to the rapture and God’s next destruction. Consider the following points:
Genesis - Our History
1G) In the beginning God made a perfect, defect-free Earth and Heavens.
2G) After God’s perfect creation, Man’s sin and immorality quickly followed.
3G) Shortly after the creation of man, man sinned, causing judgement from God. The judgement was for man to be separated from God.
4G) Man’s sin lead to God’s curse-the beginning of decay, disease, suffering and death of man and all God’s creation.
5G) In the beginning all people had knowledge of our one true God, but by Noah’s day there were very few believers. Also after Noah’s flood all people had knowledge of our one true God, but again within a few generations there were very few believers.
6G) In Noah’s day all of mankind (except faithful Noah and his family) had become so corrupt, sinful and unbelieving that all of mankind (except Noah and his family) was destroyed by a world-wide flood. After this flood, only God-believing people remained on the earth for awhile.
7G) After the flood, everyone stayed in one general area and eventually built a great nation in Babylon. They did not spread out across the earth as God had commanded. About 100 years after the flood, God caused the confusion of tongues and dispersion of the entire nation of people at Babel. Until this point everyone belonged to a single non-distinct "race" of people and shared a common gene pool, language and history. The dispersion forced the beginning of separate "races" (due to the now isolated gene pools), separate histories from this point on, and of course separate languages. They eventually began to develop new and separate currency, technology, and religious practices.
Revelation - Our Future
7R) Until the discovery of America, all the world had been pretty much isolated into their own separate nations with their own cultures and unique external "racial" physical appearances due to their breeding within their isolated gene pools. As people began to migrate to and spread across America, they began blending their cultures with others. The United States of America has been called "The Melting Pot of the World". Today we see a wide variety of "races", languages, religious groups, and histories. With inter-racial marriages or living arrangements and their offspring, we are quickly returning to a single non-distinct "race" of people. Also today due to our rapid growth in technology, people (races) all over the world are able to travel vast distances quickly, and are able to communicate among many other people all over the world, thereby sharing each others cultures. We , as a world race, are beginning to share a common history and even similarities in our cultures. We are also seeing a push by some individuals toward a common language, common currency, and even a common world religion.
6R) Since Noah’s flood and before the Rapture, many people world-wide have and will increasingly become very corrupt, sinful and unbelieving (as we see today). At the Rapture, only God-believing people will be resurrected and taken from the earth. Only non-believers will remain on earth until Christ’s return to the earth.
5R) Since Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, knowledge of our one true God has spread significantly around the world especially in the recent past. After the Great White Throne judgement, only believers in God will remain.
4R) On the new Earth and Heaven there will no longer be any decay, disease, suffering or death.
3R) Just before the final destruction of this old earth, at the end of its history and eternity’s beginning, Jesus will judge, on the Great White Throne, every human for their belief in Him. At this point every person who was ever on earth will either be condemned to Hell - the eternal Lake of Fire - eternally separated from God or be allowed to dwell in the New Earth and Heaven. Those who are saved will eternally be reunited with God.
2R) After Christ’s return to earth, Man’s sin and immorality will quickly come to an end.
1R) At the end of Earth as we know it, Earth will be destroyed by God and He will recreate a new perfect , defect-free Earth and Heavens which will prevail for eternity.