by Brooks A. Harris
Our mind is constantly receiving information from our sense organs and our internal mechanisms. It receives all this information and responds to our bodies needs automatically without us thinking about it. We receive millions of bits of information per second from what we see, hear, smell, feel and taste. Also our mind receives constant input from our organs as our heart, blood vessels, lungs, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, bowels, reproductive organs, etc. and numerous glands, blood, hormones, electrolytes, etc. If our conscious mind were to pay attention to all this information, we would go absolutely crazy, but fortunately our mind and body take care of all this information subconsciously as it was designed to do. Through our nervous system our mind takes care of what our body needs. The mind is constantly aware of what our body needs and it is constantly trying to sustain its needs. Unfortunately our bodies and our earth are no longer in the condition that they were when originally created. Our bodies have many defects and can no longer take care of themselves effectively. Our bodies need help from an outside source to sustain them.
This makes me think of God, the ultimate Mind which knows all, is all-powerful and is ever-present (in space and time). Although we do not know how much of His activity is conscious or subconscious (or if He even has a subconscious), He is in constant control of the goings on of the entire universe. He sustains the order of all the heavenly bodies and life systems here on earth. He is aware of everything; nothing escapes His knowledge and care. He takes care of things as He sees fit - according to His will and plan. This is far beyond our understanding.
Now, we have death and suffering on earth, but that was not in God’s original creation and will not be in His final kingdom. Death is due to the curse on the earth caused by the fall of man (man’s sin) shortly after God’s creative act. In God’s final heavenly kingdom, there will be no tears, suffering, pain or death. All health and vigor will be restored to what God intended for us. As Christians, this is part of the hope that is in us. We look forward to a life where Jesus Christ is our Lord and the ruler of our lives forever. We want His will to be done in our lives. We want God to be in control of our lives and for Him to sustain us forever in His heavenly kingdom. We put our trust in God because we know He is all-loving and all-good and He wants only the best for us, His children. This was demonstrated by God when He gave up His only begotten Son and by Jesus when He willing gave up His life for us on the cross in order to pay the price of our sins so that we could now live eternally with Him in His presence in His heavenly kingdom. Even though we are not fully aware of the how’s or why’s, thankfully God is in control of all.