The beginning of everything in nature, our origins, and our early history, is accurately recorded in the Bible. No real mistake has ever been demonstrated in the Bible: in science, in history, or in any other subject. Not one statement in the Bible has ever been disproved by any real facts of science or history. True science has always confirmed the Bible. All of its scripture can be trusted.
The GAPS in Biblical History and the GAMES in Biblical Science show strong evidences for Biblical accuracy.
Genealogy - Through research of ancient, non-Christian, genealogies and chronicles of the people of the Middle East and Europe, names of individuals, families, peoples, and tribes listed in Genesis have been found to be accurate. The confirmation of these names show that the stories in Genesis can also be true.
Archaeology - Places and cultures recorded in the Bible are being confirmed at a staggering rate. The Bible is even being used now as a reference to locate cities in the Bible which are now lost and buried.
Prophecy - There are remarkable evidences of hundreds of Bible prophecies having been fulfilled, specifically and meticulously, often long after the prophetic writer has passed away. Many more prophecies are yet to be fulfilled too. The Bible is like no other book in prophecy fulfillment.
Stories - Today nearly all cultures of different people groups around the world have similar historical stories of a flood with eight people and the later dispersion of families. Such common historical accounts confirm a single common society before its dispersion as recorded in Genesis. This is another indication of true history recorded in the Bible.
Geology -The fossil records and rock layers we see today are consistent with the effects of a world-wide flood. We find billions of dead things (fossilized with amazing detail), buried in multiple, striated, sedimentary, rock layers, which were quickly laid down by water, all over the earth.
Anatomy - So many plants and creatures are so unique in their design and unlike any other organism that evolutionists have no idea how or why they evolved or from what organism they evolved (as the Duck-billed Platypus). Many also have very complex systems or structures that could not have functioned if only partially formed so they had to be complete from the very beginning . The special design and creation of such organisms demonstrates the awesome intelligence, power and creativity of God.
Mutation - God created every "kind" (what we think of as a "genus") of creature and plant with the ability to reproduce only its same "kind" (not mutate or evolve into other "kinds"). God created each specific "kind" with great potential for variations within its kind (what we think of as "species"). Modern science has shown that many species (variations) of each genus have occurred through genetic mutations, gene pool isolation, natural selection and survival of the fittest. We not only do not see the evolving of "one kind into another kind" in nature today, but we also have no such evidence of transitional "in-between" kinds in the fossil records. Again, science supports scripture in the Bible.
Earth Age - Most modern scientific evidences (as levels of sodium and sediment in the ocean, degradation amounts of galaxies, comets, the moon’s surface, and earth’s magnetic field, amount of helium in the atmosphere) indicate that the earth is only a few thousand years old. Radiometric dating techniques are dependant on a fairly stable environment, therefore they may be considered reliable only up to Noah’s world-wide flood which would have catastrophically changed the entire world. Ages of people recorded in the Bible’s genealogical records also indicate an age of only about 6000 years since creation. Much evidence supports the six literal days for creation as recorded in the Bible.
Sanitation - Although the scientific reasoning for germs and sanitation was not understood by man until recent times, God taught man thousands of years ago, in simple terms anyone could understand, how to take care of himself. Modern science shows that God’s instructions and warnings for us are accurate and purposeful. This further demonstrates God’s awesome intelligence and care for His people.